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Member Since 16 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2015 12:42 AM

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In Topic: Help ! Convert the source

27 June 2014 - 07:36 AM

I write @cloneskill put the id and the level of skill, but even so the skill that failed.


@cloneskill 89 10

skill has failed

Sorry, fixed typo try again



Rs worked nicely. thank you * - *

In Topic: Help ! Convert the source

27 June 2014 - 05:31 AM

/* ====================================================== * * @cloneskill [Hold] *    <> Permite ao jogador plagiar qualquer habilidade * Uso: *    <>    @cloneskill <id/nome da habilidade> <nível> <tipo> * tipo: *    <>    0 = Copiada através da habilidade Plágio *    <>    1 = Copiada através da habilidade Mimetismo * ------------------------------------------------------ */ACMD(cloneskill){    char name[255];    int id, lvl, type = 0, oldskreg;    if (!message || !*message || (        sscanf(message, ""[^"]" %d %d", name, &lvl, &type) < 2 &&        sscanf(message, "s %d %d", name, &lvl, &type) < 2 ))    {        clif->message(fd, "Voce precisa inserir ID e Nivel da habilidade.");        return false;    }    if(!(id = skill->name2id(name)) && !(id = skill->get_index(atoi(name))))    {        clif->message(fd, "Nome ou ID da habilidade sao invalidos.");        return false;    }    if(oldskreg = pc_readglobalreg(sd,script->add_str( ((type) ? "REPRODUCE_SKILL" : "CLONE_SKILL"))))    {        sd->status.skill[oldskreg].id = 0;        sd->status.skill[oldskreg].lv = 0;        sd->status.skill[oldskreg].flag = 0;        clif->deleteskill(sd, oldskreg);    }    sd->status.skill[id].id = id;    sd->status.skill[id].lv = lvl;    sd->status.skill[id].flag = SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED;    if(type)        sd->reproduceskill_id = id;    else        sd->cloneskill_id = id;    pc_setglobalreg(sd, script->add_str( ((type) ? "REPRODUCE_SKILL" : "CLONE_SKILL")), id);    pc_setglobalreg(sd, script->add_str( ((type) ? "REPRODUCE_SKILL_LV" : "CLONE_SKILL_LV")), lvl);    clif->addskill(sd, id);    sprintf(atcmd_output,"Habilidade: '%s' | Nivel: '%d' | Utilizando: '%s'", skill->get_name(id), lvl, ((type) ? "Mimetismo" : "Plagio"));    clif->message(fd, atcmd_output);    return true;}

I write @cloneskill put the id and the level of skill, but even so the skill that failed.


@cloneskill 89 10

skill has failed

In Topic: Erro raro de se aconteçer

26 June 2014 - 11:50 PM

Da habilidade falhou pelo menos ? ou simplesmente n da pra usar a magia ?