Well first of all, check the links I posted earlier, the ones not crossed out yet (I don't know if you have merged them yet, but I didn't see it).
If you just want a list of all rAthena commits: https://github.com/r.../commits/master
I think almost all my commits are interesting for Herc too (I verified all of these are official): https://github.com/r...thor=Playtester
Some of the bugfixes I made are not needed on Herc because they were fixing bugs caused by commits from aleos/Cydh that Herc didn't merge in the first place.
Unfortunately I don't have enough time check Herc's code and compare anymore and give as extensive explanations as I did on the previous page, but if you have any questions about my commits, feel free to ask, I will provide as much information as I can.
I always make sure my commits are well documented and linked to an issue. Click on the issue link if you want additional info on why something was changed.
Also my commit messages should all be understandable for normal players, so they could check what they are interested in the most via the list.
Fixing the range system and Sanctuary / Evil Land would be a start, I even created Github issues on those (wanted to see how actively you process them).
Also how about finally fixing the critical range exploit reported here: https://github.com/H...ules/issues/841
Commit: https://github.com/r...fc893c9454af853
There's so many awesome things to merge. Especially all the skill fixes...
I assume Dastgir is asking you to point out rAthena commits that you'd like to see on Herc. So just browse through the commits and if you find something that's important to you, link it here.