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Member Since 11 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 05 2017 06:01 PM

Topics I've Started

How do I get rid of this hotkey bar?

28 December 2016 - 04:48 AM

 Good days to you.

 I was wondering how I can get rid of this little quick bar from my client.




 The client I'm using is: the one that can be edited by using HxD. I remember getting rid of Cash Shop button with it. It would be wonderful if anyone taught me how get rid of this little quick bar.
Thank you.
PS. I've tried to upload my image as link but it kept telling me I can't use this image extension. Until I find out how to properly upload an image on Hercules posts I hope you could understand this extra step. Sorry.

How do I upload an image on the post?

28 December 2016 - 04:17 AM

 Good days to you.

 I noticed that people are using website called imgur to upload their images on their post. However, the image I uploaded from my imgur is not working here. It keeps telling me something like "This image extension is not allowed in this forum." I tried .png, .jpeg, .bmp. but all of them ended in same result. Can anyone tell me how to upload an image in Hercules post?

 Thank you.

I'm trying to make a custom trade npc but it's not counting other items but fir...

08 December 2016 - 02:00 AM

 Good days.

 I'm trying to make a custom trade npc that is like old card trader, which I have failed to find in both Hercules and rathena. An npc that gives you one 'item 19305' for every 100 items that is in range of item 18660 to 19222. For example if I bring 30 of 'item 18760' and 80 of 'item 18900' it will give me one '19305' and leave 10 of either 18760 or 18900. I hope this makes sense. Here's what I got so far.


        for (set .@i,18660; .@i < 19223; set .@i,.@i+1) {
        if (countitem(.@i) < 100) goto Enog;
        set .@j,(countitem(.@i)/100);
        delitem .@i,100*.@j;
        getitem 19305,1*.@j;
        mes "  "; 


 Thanks to Aeromesi now I know this is deeply wrong. This script only changes 18660 only. If I bring 18661 it goes straight to the label Enog.
Please teach me how to make this npc right. I would really appreciate it if you help me.
 Thank you.

Stopping costume items from covering regular equipments.

07 July 2016 - 08:56 AM

Good days.

 I was wondering if it's possible to stop costume items from covering regular equipments. I just want to use costume items as Talismans. Can anyone help me with this please?

 By the way i tried editing my old post, which contains same content, hoping it would get bunked to top but it didn't work so I had to write another post even though I asked a different question just a few hours ago. Sorry for being selfish and Thank you.

Buyingstore: Nothing is happening

06 July 2016 - 11:58 PM

 Good days.

 I tried using buying store by both using the permit item or actually using the skill but nothing happened in either way. I was possessing the permit item which is required to use the skill so I figured that was not the problem. I also had items to put when the window pops up and asks me what kind of items I want to buy.

 There was no error message in map-server or either of -server windows. Could someone please tell me how to activate this? I would very very much appreciate it if I can activate this incredible system.


 Thank you.

I'm sorry for my stupidity. I asked this long time ago. I had same problem then and just found out my old post. I knew something very similar was happening. When I wrote this I felt like I was having Dejavu. How do I delete this post? By the way the answer is below.

 At feature.conf

 feature.buying_store: on