Not sure about your idea to give 1 cash point whenever a certain player kills monster who's level is less than the baselevel - 10. It can be abuse
- script Sample -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if (getmonsterinfo(killedrid, MOB_LV) > (BaseLevel + 10) || getmonsterinfo(killedrid, MOB_LV) < (BaseLevel - 10)) { if (rand(100) < 5) #CASHPOINTS++; dispbottom "You now have " +#CASHPOINTS+ " cash points."; } end;}
This is great , ahm sir Patskie I would like to request also like this script
for every MVP boss that gives cash point for only 5% for low level mvp gives 1-50 cash (random) and then for high mvp give 50-100 (random) im not sure about the mvp levels dunno what mob is the lowest and the highest. for mini boss 1-10 cash point (random) every mini boss