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Member Since 13 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 16 2016 07:10 PM

Topics I've Started

Block Attr Map

02 June 2014 - 03:24 PM

I have added the Old maps on map_cache also in my grf im using Rathena Newer Version on Github. when i try to go to morocc town. i got that error. i also change the old izlude and successfully working without error but when i try the old map i got error. all map are fine only morroc.


Anycan help me ??

The error i receive is 


Block Attr "Korean Words" then -> RPGSTUDIO "few more korean words"


Posted Image


Thanks in advanced!

R>Quest King Poring

08 May 2014 - 06:49 PM

The requirements will be they need kill monster '300 poring, 100 poporing, 1 angeling, 1 deviling , 1 ghostring,  submit 1 flying angel wing, 1 gemstone from tao gunka and 10M, after submiting the requirements or done the quest, the King poring will respawn at  the said map prt_fild08, the one who quested the king poring  will self announce where the king poring respawn, and also it will announce to all that the king poring is respawn without the map. the ID of the MOB 2508,


much better if the script will have a control to where map i want to respawned, or so it will be random respawn map.  also it will random 1 - 2 hours if the npc is now active with announce like the King Poring NPC is Activated.



Thanks in Advanced!

Resize Text in Announce

19 April 2014 - 02:22 AM

The Text on the announcer is still the default, Still not working. 


im using OnPCLoadMapEvent:


announce "You are now in [" + .@mname$ + "]", bc_self, 0x3BB9FF, 0x190, 50;


Can anyone help me to find out what happen or why is the script is not working.??



Thanks in advanced!

Event Manager

17 April 2014 - 11:25 PM

Can anyone make Event Manager. this is gonna big help for the others.


The features of this NPC is, All in one Event in 1 NPC. Then each event has a item price,  then also the admin can setup the time when will the event start. i dont know if this is possible? 

    [*]Monster Summon
    [*]MVP Summon
    [*]Monster Hunt
    [*]Poring Catcher
    [*]Zombie Invasion
    [*]Disguise Event
    [*]Last Man Standing
    [*]PVP Event - Then also on the PVP Event has a menu what matched will it be. like 1 v 1, or 2 v 2, or 3 v 3. then if the player registered will be recorded. then if the Event will start the npc will automatic call the 2 participant on the PVP Area. also on the pvp event no potion then if the match is ended the lose character will summon on the main town then the winners will be remain on the map, after that the remaining life of the player who win, will get 5% of his life will recover.  then the match will be round robin or it will be any bracket for the event also add the admin menu for easy setup on the npc, until who someone will win. then the price wil get with the 1st prize also the 2nd prize. 


    much better if the npc has a menu for the admin control to set what map should they use also on the pvp event with 2 different side on the map also the round robin menu or what bracket should be set.


    i know this is gonna be tough script. but if this is implement this is gonna big help for others.

Command that Summon

17 April 2014 - 07:59 AM

can anyone help me what command i use to @summon something or @monster that i can put on the monster with the item?