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Member Since 29 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2015 04:37 PM

Topics I've Started

timer->delete // error : expected a member name

28 September 2013 - 09:29 PM

how to get rid of this error?


thank you.

about huge in last update. (hercules interface and rename thing)

25 September 2013 - 11:39 PM

since my server got a lot of source mod and I got a very bad brain.I forget what I have modify or implement something.


I forgot most of the source code I modify and where I change/implement it.


and the lastest update (hercules interface and rename thing) messed my server up. it keep on random crashing and I dont know where the problem.(yeah, it my bad, I should have comment what have I change in file).


and I got a lot of conflict in every update. so I think  I should start from zero again.


so my question is.


In tortuisesvn is there a function that can tell me what I have change/modify the source code and where I change/modify it.

So I can start from fresh hercules and implement my custom src one by one.


thank you,

ps. sorry for my very bad English.  :unsure:


09 September 2013 - 11:24 PM

do client send this packet only one time?


because I create some event that will tell everyone if someone point a cursor at them. (hide and seek)


I got something like

void clif_parse_GetCharNameRequest(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd){    int id = RFIFOL(fd,packet_db[RFIFOW(fd,0)].pos[0]);    struct block_list* bl;    //struct status_change *sc;    if( id < 0 && -id == sd->bl.id ) // for disguises [Valaris]        id = sd->bl.id;    bl = iMap->id2bl(id);    if( bl == NULL )        return;    // Lagged clients could request names of already gone mobs/players. [Skotlex]if (bl->type==BL_PC && sd->mapindex==mapindex_name2id("prontera")){    ShowInfo("%s Found %s",sd->status.name,iMap->charid2nick(id));    }    if( sd->bl.m != bl->m || !check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, bl, AREA_SIZE) )        return; // Block namerequests past view range    clif->charnameack(fd, bl);}



problem is message only show one time (first time that player point cursor at other).

can we make clif_parse_GetCharNameRequest trigger everytime player point mouse at someone?

or do I need client edit (is that possible?)


thank you.






and I notice that if player move out of sigh or relogin clif_parse_GetCharNameRequest will trigger again.


06 August 2013 - 10:07 AM

I've create the PVP ZONE in my server and I want it when player enter this PVP area can attack eachother without holding shiftkey.


So i've come up with this code to make people whos  enter PVP ZONE got a sword cursor(attacking cursor) by sending MAPPROPERTY_FREEPVPZONE.


        ShowDebug("%s Enter PvP Area n",sd->status.name);
        clif->map_property(sd, MAPPROPERTY_FREEPVPZONE);
        ShowDebug("%s Leaves PvP Area n",sd->status.name);
        clif->map_property(sd, MAPPROPERTY_NOTHING);



but when they leaves, I've send MAPPROPERTY_NOTHING to client but there are still sword cursor until they relog.





anyone know how to make it work?