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Member Since 17 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active May 12 2014 01:44 PM

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In Topic: How to change body sprite

03 April 2014 - 10:34 PM

both paths achive the same:


remove your account id from clientinfo.xml

with this any one except the GM will change the sprite.



using Neo Patcher and select option (Remove GM Sprites)



thanks a lot evilpuncker.. :)

In Topic: Can't assign more that 99 stats points in Trans class

01 April 2014 - 06:59 PM

sry about that.. :blush: 


yes I'm talking about a Sorcerer; after changing Job from Professor to Sorcerer I can't assign more stats points (still 99 max stats)


After I create this post; I did a stats reset and after that I can go beyong 99... is this how suppose to work or after changing Jobs should let me assign more stats points automatically?


thanks again.

In Topic: How to change body sprite

28 March 2014 - 11:23 PM

hi evilpuncker,


i think i got it.. did a repatch on the 20131223 exe and include the option: Remove GM sprites


now previous created accounts came with the classic dress. need to test adding the accounts again in the clientinfo.xml (just for testing purpose..)


many thanks for the help and the fast response.... :D

In Topic: How to change body sprite

28 March 2014 - 10:27 PM

I just test with my accounts the other accounts still intact (mine will be 2000000 and 2000001) both are removed as your suggestion but still have the white dress.


here's the clientinfo.xml for client 20130817:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?><clientinfo>    <servicetype>korea</servicetype>    <servertype>primary</servertype>    <connection>        <display>redRO</display>        <desc>redRO</desc>        <address></address>        <port>6900</port>        <version>30</version>        <langtype>0</langtype>        <balloon>redRO</balloon>        <aid>			<admin>2000002</admin>			<admin>2000003</admin>			<admin>2000004</admin>		<loading>			<image>loading00.jpg</image>			<image>loading01.jpg</image>			<image>loading02.jpg</image>			<image>loading03.jpg</image>			<image>loading04.jpg</image>			<image>loading05.jpg</image>			<image>loading06.jpg</image>			<image>loading07.jpg</image>			<image>loading08.jpg</image>			<image>loading09.jpg</image>		</loading>        </aid>    </connection></clientinfo>



and this is the code for client 20131223:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?><clientinfo>    <servicetype>korea</servicetype>    <servertype>primary</servertype>    <connection>        <display>redRO</display>        <desc>redScorpion</desc>        <address></address>        <port>6900</port>        <version>46</version>        <langtype>0</langtype>        <balloon>redRO</balloon>        <aid>			<admin>2000002</admin>		<loading>			<image>loading00.jpg</image>			<image>loading01.jpg</image>			<image>loading02.jpg</image>			<image>loading03.jpg</image>			<image>loading04.jpg</image>			<image>loading05.jpg</image>			<image>loading06.jpg</image>			<image>loading07.jpg</image>			<image>loading08.jpg</image>			<image>loading09.jpg</image>		</loading>        </aid>    </connection></clientinfo>


In Topic: How to change body sprite

28 March 2014 - 09:57 PM

thx a lot .. it change with the new account  :D ... also saw that the weapon sprite also change (i was tired to see a sword evey time :( ..


its there an option for the existing account to change it ?