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Member Since 12 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 14 2017 03:11 PM

#59758 WASD Movement.

Posted by raPalooza~ on 08 July 2015 - 03:33 PM

Well, i'm that guy that stay a whole year away from ragnarok and then comes back with a crazy idea!

So the ideia is to make ragnarok a little more like those new called "action RPG" with a hack'n'slash feel to it, for example making Tyr auto cast in front of you without clicking, or making JupterThunder also go in a straigt line you're facing.

But first of all, create a WASD movement...(or arrow keys) x_x

I begun with a custom skill that moves the player 1 step at time, but as it doesn't record the "hold down" function, it's not effective (also used the skill level for the direction)


case ALL_ARROWKEYS:			{					if (skill_lv == 1 ) {							x = src->x + 1;							y = src->y + 0;}					else if(skill_lv == 2 ){							x = src->x - 1;							y = src->y + 0;}					else if(skill_lv == 3 ) {							x = src->x + 0;							y = src->y + 1;}					else if(skill_lv == 4 ) {							x = src->x + 0;							y = src->y - 1;}									if(map->getcell(src->m,x,y,CELL_CHKREACH)) {			unit->walktoxy(&sd->bl, x, y, 4);					}				} 

also thought about a custom dll that sends the arrow keys as a packet but i dont even know where to start nor if its possible.

Any suggestions?

#58529 [Help] Quest Window issues !

Posted by Mysterious on 16 June 2015 - 07:58 PM

Dealing with client-side resources. Topic moved.

#58490 [Help] Quest Window issues !

Posted by Dastgir on 16 June 2015 - 03:21 AM

Its in msgstringtable.txt
You are missing those quest entries , maybe from questid2display.txt

#58454 [Help] About clan system ?

Posted by Dastgir on 15 June 2015 - 09:11 AM

Clan system is not working,
We have full packets to make it working, but we don't have information on how one gets to clan, what are benefits and restrictions. And all those things.

#58332 Is it possible to use .png on cutin?

Posted by Zhao Chow on 12 June 2015 - 03:54 AM

@depomguss maybe only read BMP file

#58353 Is it possible to use .png on cutin?

Posted by Ai4rei on 12 June 2015 - 04:26 PM

Is it possible to use .png or .jpg on cutin ? 
Because bmp images huge in size and hard to compressing.
Thanks in Advance.

No you cannot, but whether the bitmap is compressed in GRF or saved as PNG does not make that much difference anyway (among others because they use the same kind of compression). Also JPG is lossy, so transparency magenta would bleed out.

Posted Image
- Bitmap: 622 KB
- Bitmap in GRF: 125 KB
- PNG: 107 KB
- PNG in GRF: 107 KB

#58322 Is it possible to use .png on cutin?

Posted by Zhao Chow on 12 June 2015 - 12:40 AM

@depomguss yes you can use but the problem is you cannot make the background transparent, only BMP with pink background can make the background transparent

#37790 Change item name color

Posted by Ragnar Lothbrok on 18 June 2014 - 12:11 PM

Posted Image

Now any slots = Black

name is already black w/ or w/o slot

#37788 Change item name color

Posted by Ragnar Lothbrok on 18 June 2014 - 12:03 PM


I guess it's newer clients feature, not sure.

old and newer


Posted Image

Make it slotted and color changes

all slots have different colours.


If you want item to have definite colour, that might require client expert to hex the client that way.

no slot item is purple color, 1 slot yellowish, 2 slots cyan, 3 slot green

#37783 Change item name color

Posted by Ragnar Lothbrok on 18 June 2014 - 10:14 AM

I guess it's newer clients feature, not sure.

old and newer


Posted Image

#37786 Change item name color

Posted by Dastgir on 18 June 2014 - 11:34 AM

I guess it's newer clients feature, not sure.

old and newer


Posted Image

Make it slotted and color changes

all slots have different colours.


If you want item to have definite colour, that might require client expert to hex the client that way.