is it possible to have a job changer script that requires fees for every job change?
- Viewing Profile: Topics: Aegiskore
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Job Changer with Fee
04 August 2014 - 11:06 AM
Job Class Restrictions during WoE
28 May 2014 - 05:23 PM
HI guys,
I got this script from Emistry and it worked very fine. restricting trans job in WoE Castle.
However, can we do like Trans class cannot enter the castle During WoE times only and during NoN woe they can enter the castle.
Appreciate your help on this, thanks!!
- script trans_restrict -1,{OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(strcharinfo(3)!="prtg_cas01") end; if(Class>=4001 && Class<=4049 ){ mes "[ ^0000FF Castle Guardian's^000000 ]"; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", "; mes "You are not Allowed to Join this WOE."; close2; warp "Save",0,0; } end;}prtg_cas01 mapflag loadevent
User Log-in Limit Except Prontera
21 May 2014 - 08:11 PM
hi Guys,
Just want to know if its possible to limit account IP login in all maps except prontera?
If 4 accounts will login in different maps (except pront) the 5th account will be kick-out
or/and if 4 accounts will login in different maps and the 5th account will not be kick-out if he login in prontera
and vice-versa.
basically, I want the server to restrict IP log-in to 4 accounts only, except prontera which will be free of IP limit.
appreciate you help and inputs
User log-in limitation per IP
27 April 2014 - 12:12 PM
I found this script in RA, just want to know if this will also work in Herc.
Basically, I want to limit 4 accounts only per IP but that doesn't include the @autotraders.
- script Only4perIP -1,{OnPCLoginEvent: if (getgmlevel() >= 99) end; set .@myname$, strcharinfo(0); if (query_sql("SELECT `char`.`name` FROM `char` LEFT JOIN login ON `char`.account_id=login.account_id WHERE login.last_ip='"+getcharip()+"' AND `char`.online=1 AND `char`.char_id!="+getcharid(0), .@name$) >= 4) { for (set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@name$); set .@i,.@i+1) { if (checkvending(.@name$[.@i]) != 2) set .@sameip, .@sameip +1; } if (.@sameip >= 4) { announce "Sorry, only 4 accounts per IP can be logged in at a time.", bc_self; sleep 1000; atcommand "@kick " + .@myname$; } } end;}
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