Homunculus Stats shown via Alt - R changes if Homun is away from the User >= 3 Cells.
Is this Client side or Sever? I realized it while using Azzy's Ai.
Also Renaming the Homunculus leaves the modify Button, also leaving the text area for renaming.
- Viewing Profile: Issues: ぽろり
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Issues I've Posted
Posted 16 May 2014
character input question, also
Posted 14 May 2014
Is this client related, Character Input in 2013-08-07 using Japanese Layout keyboard (Microsoft IME) on a Windows 7.
Also, opening Cash shop through BM/Shortcut setting shows/acts as if there is no points, so you can't buy, even if you actually have points/cash.
Also, opening Cash shop through BM/Shortcut setting shows/acts as if there is no points, so you can't buy, even if you actually have points/cash.
Alchemist Job Quest
Posted 14 May 2014
Am I the only one experiencing this?
It seems that some or all the changequest are not working.
The NPC runs fine except that it doesn't remove the Quest.
the only fix i know and using is placing the changequest(s) under a close2 and an end.
It seems that some or all the changequest are not working.
changequest 2031,2032;from this point and beyond, and I've been experiencing this along time ago.
The NPC runs fine except that it doesn't remove the Quest.
the only fix i know and using is placing the changequest(s) under a close2 and an end.
Cart related,
Posted 10 May 2014
Latest Rev.
@cart 1-5 currently not working nor setcart (it seems since talking to a kafra feels futile).
Only happened after updating my folder, seems working for those who did not remove their carts after updating to the latest rev.
@cart 1-5 currently not working nor setcart (it seems since talking to a kafra feels futile).
Only happened after updating my folder, seems working for those who did not remove their carts after updating to the latest rev.
Map-Crash issues
Posted 9 May 2014
Latest revision, crashes after logging in Admin(ID: 99) with groups configuration all_equipment: true , all_skill: true, skill_unconditional: true .
and last 2-5 revision ago.
Map crashes after Summoning 2 Clones of Archbishop.
@clone Name
@evilclone Name
at some point the map-server crashes while the 2 clones are fighting.
and last 2-5 revision ago.
Map crashes after Summoning 2 Clones of Archbishop.
@clone Name
@evilclone Name
at some point the map-server crashes while the 2 clones are fighting.
- Viewing Profile: Issues: ぽろり
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