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Member Since 17 May 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2017 01:28 AM

Topics I've Started

Sacrifice bug !

21 March 2017 - 01:28 AM

Why skill sacrifice is with fixed damage? With weapon or not, with hidra card or not, the damage is all the same!!


when i use sacrifice and hit with no weapons and no cards, the damage is the same that with a spear +10 with 4 hydra cards, the damage is exactly the same... its completly wrong. But anyway, if its correct to don't affect human damage, str in that skill, so how can i set it to affect?

To my mind it's wrong, it should add damage with cards and weapon, but if not, how can i set it to add damage with cards and weapon?

thanks !!

Creating a new Label?

11 January 2017 - 02:06 PM

I need to create a label that excecute when a mob stop chasing a player (or another mob - it may happen in my event).

Like there is a label OnNPCKillEvent that excecute  when a mob die. So... when a mob start chasing a player, imagine a maya chasing a novice, he will run for his life of course.. but, what it he can run and live. Maya will stopp chasing him cause he's too far, right? In that momment i want my label to excecute!

Any idea? Any help?


Bug in Thanatos card, icepick....

01 December 2016 - 04:58 PM

Hi there..


First of all, sorry for my bad english, i'm from brazil hahah...


So, i'm usin the latest vers. of herc, and i realised some drastic bugs..


the main bug i realised was thanatos card... it has no effect...


I tryed this:

1 algoz with high str+thana card hit a lord knight with vit+500 and high armour...


the damage was very slow ! When it was to be incresed to like 999999...


any help?


Could someone test if the lastest version is really with that bug?


Can it be any conf ?


Please help.. i can't have this bug in my server!



sc_start Command

07 April 2016 - 01:04 PM

Hey guys, i have here a .spr and .act cloth custom. I'd like to know, if is there any way to add them and create a SC command, like:

sc_start SC_WEDDING, sc_start SC_XMAS, etc..


Is there any way to creat this comand to show up my custom cloth?


Thanks !!