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Member Since 17 May 2014
Offline Last Active May 30 2017 09:12 PM

Topics I've Started

Custom Skill Unit Follow Character (like Bragi)

05 April 2015 - 09:44 PM

I tried to create a skill which mimics an effect like bragi where the wierd symbols/letters follow the character

as they walk, and who ever enters the area gets damaged.


I know I setup everything correctly but I encountered a problem, while the skill area that damages everyone

who enters follow my character, the visual effect stays on the ground where I first casted it as shown in this vid.



And also the skill does not seem to end at the set amount of time limit either, here are the important skill information:



1026,0,6,4,-1,0x41,0,1,1,no,0,0,0,weapon,0,	CS_GRUESOME_ZONE,Gruesome Zone


//-- CS_GRUESOME_ZONE1026,0,3000,3000,10000,0,0,0


1026,0xa3,    , -1, 0, 500,enemy, 0x000	//CS_GRUESOME_ZONE

map.c at map_moveblock

if (sc->data[SC_GRUESOME_ZONE]){					skill->unit_move_unit_group(skill->id2group(sc->data[SC_GRUESOME_ZONE]->val4), bl->m, x1-x0, y1-y0);				}




Skill Specialeffect Duration

02 April 2015 - 05:52 AM

Is there anyway to have a skill special effect stay at a desired amount of time?

For example if I want to have a skill with berserk (redbody) special effect, body

will go back to normal after the skill is dispelled.


Is it possible to do that through src and/or lua edit? Most of the stuff I ask here gets the answer "You have to hex edit"

And as far as I know, my hex editing skills are over negative 9000 so hex edit is a no no.


Anyway if anyone knows if this is possible please answer right away, I really need it :(



I've tried doing clif->specialeffect on skill start and then
refresh all pc in view when the skill ends, but the warping animation (change to black screen)

is just annoying. I have tried to use the OPTs in status.c (opt3_berserk) but it seems like it only stores body state data and does not affect client animation,

only the opt1, opt2, and option has effects on the client and sadly it does not include berserk effect. :(

Multi-hit skills causes player to Stand?

13 March 2015 - 06:50 PM

I have just tested this and I was wondering if this is a bug or something.

I had a character with infinite endure while sitting, normal attacks and single hit skills doesn't make it stand,

but multi-hit skills like Double Strafe, Double Attack,Sonic Blow causes the player to stand.


I already tried modifying pc_damage in pc.c where it says:

if( pc_issit(sd) ) {		pc->setstand(sd);		skill->sit(sd,0);	}


if( pc_issit(sd) && !sc->data[SC_ENDURE_I]) {			pc->setstand(sd);			skill->sit(sd,0);	}

And just in case you're wondering how did I access sc->data in pc_damage I just simply added this:

struct status_change *sc;sc = status->get_sc(src);

Anyway that is my problem, can anyone please tell me how to fix this? I want the character to keep sitting even if hit by a multi-hit skill.

Custom Passive Skill (Incease MATK)

20 February 2015 - 09:29 AM

So I've been working on a couple of passive skills, all were fine except for this one.

I'm not gonna post all the codes in diff files because there are just too many, but here

is the part I am mostly having a problem on.


I need to have this skill add 1% Base MATK (the first number that shows in the stat window under MATK) every skill level heres what I have in Status.c


// ----- MATK CALCULATION -----if((skill_lv=pc->checkskill(sd,CS_MATK_MASTERY))>0){	bstatus->matk_min += (int)status->base_matk(bstatus,sd->status.base_level)*skill_lv/100;	if(bstatus->matk_min > bstatus->matk_max)		bstatus->matk_max = bstatus->matk_min;}

if you are wondering the


part is just to get the characters current base_matk which works perfectly fine as I have tried it.

The part I am so confuzzled about is changing "bstatus->matk_min" or "bstatus->matk_max" does not change the character's current matk stat.

But "bstatus->batk" and all other "bstatus->etc." works except for matk_min and matk_max.


So my question is which is the right "bstatus" or any other code thingamajigie to change to be able to modify my character's current matk which shows at the stat window?

query_sql to Array

30 June 2014 - 10:01 PM

I was just wondering what the outcome will be if I do the following:

query_sql("SELECT * FROM `awesome_table` WHERE `ID`=1",.@tempvar$); 


ID Name Val1   Val2   Val3

(int) (string) (int)   (int)   (int)

1   Hi 0 1 0

2   Hello   1 1 1


My question is, would it automatically store all the information in the row selected into the array like so:

.@tempvar$[0] = 1

.@tempvar$[1] = "Hi"

.@tempvar$[2] = 0

.@tempvar$[3] = 1

.@tempvar$[4] = 0


or would it only store the first value in the row?

also would it automatically store the "int" values as "string"?


Need reply fast please and thank you :D