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Member Since 19 May 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2014 08:30 AM

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In Topic: 2013 Ragexe Support [Main Topic]

29 May 2014 - 10:20 PM

Is it possible to extract packet length from 2013-08-14 Client ? Me and my mates been trying so hard with so many extractors to get it but we've failed so many times :( If anyone got the packet length please kindly share. Thank you deeply

why want packet lengths? botting?



Yes. Our server will allow botting and we want to provide server information for the players ;) If we dont have the packet lengths, players might crash the server because of the incomplete recvpackets.txt and that will be very inconvenient for others. Thank you kindly

In Topic: 2013 Ragexe Support [Main Topic]

28 May 2014 - 11:43 AM

Is it possible to extract packet length from 2013-08-14 Client ? Me and my mates been trying so hard with so many extractors to get it but we've failed so many times :( If anyone got the packet length please kindly share. Thank you deeply

In Topic: 2013-08-14 Ragexe packet length request

25 May 2014 - 09:36 PM

Thank you kindly Neo. 


We've tried on our client 2013-08-14 but got that Packet_CZ_Enter error  to which you said was a packed client error. But we've also tried the Peek analyzer on a different client dated back in 2010 -which we've succeed in extracting packet length on a different extractor-  and had the same error. 


Please shed some light on this problem ;) thank you again,