FabGaming Company is looking for a talented web developer who can make at least the following: Character Simulator and knows how to integrate the website. FabGaming is a gaming company consists of various private servers. Of course, this is paid services. Please PM me or comment here. We prefer those people who are not busy and willing to work full-time.
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Looking for a Web Developer
14 March 2015 - 02:22 AM
[HELP] ROTD Duplicate
27 February 2015 - 02:05 AM
Hello. Can someone help me duplicated ROTD for information purposes? I want to put ROTD in every town, but the problem is, when I try to duplicated the whole ROTD Script, it makes another ROTD on my server, not a duplicated from the first one, so 2 RUNNING ROTD Scripts. I want it to only duplicate the ROTD Information, not the whole script.
prontera,146,96,6 script ROTD 436,{
set .@gmlevel,getgmlevel();do{set .@menu,select("^4EEE94ROTD Information^000000",( .@gmlevel < .gm_level )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set a New Monster's Race",( .@gmlevel < .gm_level )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set EXP Bonus",( .@gmlevel < .gm_level )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set Item / Zeny Bonus","Close" );switch( .@menu ){Case 1:mes "^FF0000ROTD^000000 refer to ^0000FFRace of the Day^000000";mes "In another word, it mean that the ^FF0000Monster's Race^000000 that you killed by day will grant you ^FF0000Bonus EXP^000000.";next;mes "[ ^FF0000Today's ROTD^000000 ]";mes "^0000FF"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+"^000000 Race";if( .rotd_exp_bonus ) mes " ~ ^777777"+.rotd_exp_bonus+"% more exp^000000";if( ( .rotd_item_amount && .rotd_item_rate ) || .rotd_zeny || .rotd_exp_bonus ){}break;Case 2:mes "Select new race.";set .today_rotd,select( .rotd_menu$ ) - 1;if( .today_rotd >= .rotd_size ) set .today_rotd,rand( .rotd_size );mes "New Race : ^777777"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+"^000000";delwaitingroom;waitingroom "[ROTD]:"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+" ",0;break;Case 3:mes "Set new exp bonus. (%)";input .rotd_exp_bonus,0,100;if( .rotd_exp_bonus ) mes "ROTD EXP : "+.rotd_exp_bonus+" %";break;Case 4:mes "Set Rotd bonus";mes "Inset Zeny Bonus";input .@zeny;mes "Insert Item ID";do{input .@item,0,32767;if( !.@item ) close;}while( getitemname( .@item ) == "null" );mes "Enter amount.";input .@amount,0,30000;mes "Enter Rate to gain.";input .@rate,0,100;if( .@amount && .@rate ){next;mes "Updated item bonus : ( "+.@rate+"% )";mes "^777777"+.@amount+" x "+getitemname( .@item )+"^000000";mes "^777777"+.@zeny+" Zeny^000000";if( select( "Confirm","Cancel" ) == 1 ){set .rotd_item_id,.@item;set .rotd_item_amount,.@amount;set .rotd_item_rate,.@rate;set .rotd_zeny,.@zeny;mes "Updated.";}}default: close;}next;}while( .@menu != 5 );close;OnInit:// min gm levelset .gm_level,80;// monster race listsetarray .rotd$[0],"Formless","Undead","Brute","Plant","Insect","Fish","Demon","Demi Human","Angel","Dragon","Boss","Non-Boss";set .rotd_size,getarraysize( .rotd$ );for( set .@i,0; .@i < .rotd_size; set .@i,.@i + 1 )set .rotd_menu$,.rotd_menu$ + .rotd$[.@i] +":";set .rotd_menu$,.rotd_menu$ + "^0055FFRandom Race^000000";// min party member lv to gain expset .party_level_range,10;// daily resetOnClock0000:set .today_rotd,rand( .rotd_size );set .rotd_exp_bonus,rand( 1,100 );delwaitingroom;waitingroom "[ROTD]:"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+" ",0;end;OnNPCKillEvent:if( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_RACE ) == .today_rotd ){set .@partyid,getcharid(1);set .@mob_base_exp,(( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_BASEEXP ) / 100 ) * .rotd_exp_bonus );set .@mob_job_exp,(( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_JOBEXP ) / 100 ) * .rotd_exp_bonus );if( .@partyid ){set .@aid,getcharid(3);set .@baselevel,BaseLevel;set .@map$,strcharinfo(3);getpartymember .@partyid,1;getpartymember .@partyid,2;while( .@i < $@partymembercount ){if( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i],$@partymembercid[.@i] ) )if( attachrid( $@partymemberaid[.@i] ) )if( strcharinfo(3) == .@map$ && ( BaseLevel - .@baselevel ) <= .party_level_range && ( BaseLevel - .@baselevel ) >= ~.party_level_range ){set BaseExp,( BaseExp + .@mob_base_exp );set JobExp,( JobExp + .@mob_job_exp );dispbottom "[ROTD Party] : "+.@mob_base_exp+" EXP";}set .@i,.@i + 1;}attachrid( .@aid );}else{set BaseExp,( BaseExp + .@mob_base_exp );set JobExp,( JobExp + .@mob_job_exp );dispbottom "[ROTD SOLO] : "+.@mob_base_exp+" EXP";}if( rand( 100 ) < .rotd_item_rate && .rotd_zeny )set Zeny,Zeny + rand( .rotd_zeny );if( rand( 100 ) < .rotd_item_rate && .rotd_item_amount )getitem .rotd_item_id,rand( .rotd_item_amount ),.@aid;}end;}
I want the duplicate NPC to show the ROTD Information only, no GM Menu.
I tried this script:
prontera,151,95,6 script ROTD#test 436,{switch(select("^4EEE94ROTD Information^000000: Close")){ case 1: mes "^FF0000ROTD^000000 refer to ^0000FFRace of the Day^000000"; mes "In another word, it mean that the ^FF0000Monster's Race^000000 that you killed by day will grant you ^FF0000Bonus EXP^000000."; next; mes "[ ^FF0000Today's ROTD^000000 ]"; mes "^0000FF"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+"^000000 Race"; break; default: close; }end;OnInit:waitingroom "[ Race of the Day ]",0;end;}
But doesnt display the ROTD Race. HELP PLEASE!
Old Character Creation
05 February 2015 - 02:07 PM
Is there anyway to revert the old character creation? The Polygon Stats. I am using 2012-04-10 Client.
How to remove Skill Cooldown Effect?
04 February 2015 - 11:03 AM
I want to remove that effect. Anyone know how?
NOTE: Only the effect, not the skill cooldown.
Party Broadcaster
03 February 2015 - 05:42 PM
Anyone have a script that allows you to broadcast on NPC when you are looking for a Party or a Guild?
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