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Member Since 18 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2016 03:00 PM

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In Topic: Problem with drop generating cards

13 December 2015 - 03:06 AM

Hmm.. Thats weird.. Because I havent modified my db folder at all. Its the stock version of hercules from github.


Here are the scripts -


{	Id: 4265	AegisName: "Li_Me_Mang_Ryang_Card"	Name: "Jing Guai Card"	Type: 6	Buy: 20	Weight: 10	Loc: 136	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12033,RC_Angel,100; ">}


{	Id: 4262	AegisName: "Evil_Cloud_Hermit_Card"	Name: "Cloud Hermit Card"	Type: 6	Buy: 20	Weight: 10	Loc: 136	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12029,RC_Plant,100; ">}

In Topic: Hercules WPE Free - June 14th Patch

09 December 2015 - 11:28 PM

Those keys aren't all that strong. Stronger than the ones that originally came with the 2013-08-07 client, but still weak. They don't seem to pass the test at the URL you posted.


Oh. I see.. I was entering them like this -






But I guess they have to be entered like this ?






Also, Is it safe to share these keys publicly on the forums? If a good hacker gets to know a server's keys, won't he be able to make some kind of de-encryption for it?

In Topic: Hercules WPE Free - June 14th Patch

09 December 2015 - 03:53 AM

I'm using the 2013-08-07 client.


I've modified the required files as per the instructions in this topic. [Diffed in 3 working keys using NEMO, edited client.conf and edited packets.h]

My client connects to the server without any errors, but I'm still able to spam skills/packets using WPE.


I think someone did mention earlier that this client doesnt work, but I don't think anybody confirmed it.

Does this mean that the 2013-08-07 client is definitely not compatible with the feature?


It would be a shame if one of the most stable clients didn't support the best Hercules feature. :(









I got it to work on the 2013-08-07 client.

Tried changing the keys a few times. 4th time was the charm.


If any of the previous posters who had issues with the 2013-08-07 client are still interested, these are the keys I used -






I don't know if these are strong enough or not, because I didn't quite understand the concept of strong/weak keys.

But they passed the test here - http://www.robrowser...pe/packet-keys/ , so I guess they should be good enough.


A big thanks to all those who contributed to developing this feature as well as all those who provide support for it on these forums.


And I guess someone could update the list of compatible clients on the first post.. :D