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Member Since 26 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2015 12:13 AM

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In Topic: Ajuda com DEBUG

26 August 2015 - 10:30 PM

There is another function I may be putting not be giving this error?



You use the function rid2name, that uses the account id to get the name of the currently logged in character.

If that player is logged out it will fail because the account id isn't online anymore.

In Topic: Ajuda com DEBUG

26 August 2015 - 09:49 PM



I didn't open it, since the error was clear. It was just hard to find where the variable is used. In line 388.


getd gets a reference to a variable based on a string, so you can construct the variable name dynamically.

In this case getd(".m$"+strnpcinfo(3)) is the same as getd(".m$pacporing1"), so you can add the $ like this:




Descobri um outro problema, se o jogador deslogar no meio do evento ocorre o erro abaixo, sabe oque pode ser?

I found another problem, if the player log out in the middle of the event is the error below, what do you know you can be?


Thank You


Posted Image

In Topic: Ajuda com DEBUG

26 August 2015 - 03:34 PM



I didn't open it, since the error was clear. It was just hard to find where the variable is used. In line 388.


getd gets a reference to a variable based on a string, so you can construct the variable name dynamically.

In this case getd(".m$"+strnpcinfo(3)) is the same as getd(".m$pacporing1"), so you can add the $ like this:



Thank you


Agora está apareçendo os mobs , porem estão com erros de movimento...e fica apareçendo o debug abaixo:

Now appearing mobs, however they are with handling errors ... and is appearing debug below:


[Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "" not found in index list!



In Topic: Ajuda com DEBUG

26 August 2015 - 01:14 AM

A imagem esta clara. Basta lê-la.


Não esta encontrando o mapa desejado.


Mais eu adicionei o mapa e teleporto para o mesmo normalmente, agora eu não entendi oque o gringo falou acho que ele não abriu o pastebin do script porque no script existe varios [color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]pacporing1 , estou muito confuso pode me dar uma ajuda ai?[/color]


[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]Obrigado.[/color]

In Topic: Ajuda com DEBUG

25 August 2015 - 11:15 PM



Add the postfix $ at the end of the .m$pacporing variables.


.m$pacporing não existe..does not exist


Não estou conseguindo pode me explicar melhor?

I'm not getting can explain me better?