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Member Since 05 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 30 2015 07:48 AM

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In Topic: Is there @monster2 that doesn't give any Drops/Exp?

25 August 2015 - 12:28 AM

Nice! I'll try it

In Topic: How temporary a $@ variable is?

24 August 2015 - 07:49 AM

*getvariableofnpc(<variable>,"<npc name>")Returns a reference to a NPC variable (. prefix) from the target NPC.This can only be used to get . variables.

So, to actually set it you'll go

set getvariableofnpc(<variable>,"<npc name>"),<newvalue>;

I'm not really sure if it'll work with direct assignment as I didn't try it.


Also, .var is not a script variable, it's an NPC variable. It's stored within NPC data, and is shared between duplicates of this NPC only. It's NOT shared within one script file.


And yes, it's stored in RAM.


Hmm, i think it will return the actual value but not the .var, btw I did something that works, I just need to put atcommand <"command">, it works for the settings I have, but I would need to make 1 single command to make it work for every change:

	OnInit:	bindatcmd "reloadpvp",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnReloadPvp";		OnReloadPvp:			.pvppoints = 10; // A pvp setting            end;

In Topic: How temporary a $@ variable is?

24 August 2015 - 06:51 AM

I am checking that.


Btw, is it possible to change a Script Variable ( .var ) from another script?

Btw, the $@var is stored in the RAM?

In Topic: How temporary a $@ variable is?

24 August 2015 - 06:24 AM

It lasts while map server works. Once server crash or restart it's gone.


Thank you a lot man, seems that $@ is the perfect variable for me. Btw, how do you know this? By source code or experience or?

By the way, I have another question, is this variable attached to the player or?


Because I try to access to this variable from Script 2 but I created this variable from Script 1. But it seems to not load it.

In Topic: Is there @monster2 that doesn't give any Drops/Exp?

21 August 2015 - 05:28 AM

no body?