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Member Since 08 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2016 02:53 AM

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In Topic: ItemDB Script Translation Project

30 March 2016 - 05:04 AM

Hercules support was dropped during the last overhaul to save time. 


And the distinction between pre-renewal and renewal is blurred. (once again, sigh)


My current goal is to make the project ready for production use for one emulator before supporting another.


But too much going on at my job and home. And I am the only developer on this project, so pace is rather slow.


On the bright side, the source code quality has improved a great deal. hint hint  ^_^


FYI, predicate generation, variable listing, and expression evaluation is more accurate now.


(Check out the readme on the github page for examples.)

In Topic: ItemDB Script Translation Project

12 May 2015 - 03:13 AM

I definitely will, but very busy IRL. And I still owe Tokeiburu a VS project. >.>


And might need to documented the library.  ^_^

In Topic: Send automatic emails

12 May 2015 - 02:56 AM

It is very easy with Python.


1. Create an email account

2. Select a SMTP server (Microsoft or Google)

3. Create MySQL user account with select privileges on last login column in login table.

4. Connect to MySQL server using limited privilege MySQL user account with SqlAlchemy (http://www.sqlalchemy.org)

5. Query database and calculate the datetime difference to get timedelta, which gives number of days, hours, and seconds. (https://docs.python....y/datetime.html)

6. Send email via SMTP server for all user's last login > 20 days. (https://docs.python....ry/smtplib.html)

7. Create separate user account on system. (https://pypi.python..../python-crontab)

8. Schedule script on crontab to run on some interval using new user account.


Can be done in less than 100 lines. (Unless you want to use the ORM to map all the tables.)


Deploy on some cloud instance

1. Buy a cloud instance for $5 per month or less.

2. Setup SSL certificates for MySQL server master and slave. (Self-signed root CA is ok)

3. Setup Iptables to allow cloud instance to connect on MySQL port.

4. Setup MySQL slave replication.

5. Write automation script that use slave replication server. (Which also double as backup)