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Member Since 12 May 2013
Offline Last Active May 12 2017 08:37 AM

Topics I've Started

[QUESTION] How to Create Custom Mob Sprite?

17 May 2016 - 11:27 AM

Hey there..


I want to learn Spriting and create Custom mob Sprite.

I'm a starter on this and I'm not sure where do I start.


Can you guide me on the things that I need like what Guide Tutorial or recommended Softwares should I use in creating or modifying .SPR & .ACT files?


Thanks a lot.

I hope I can contribute something here.  :rolleyes:

Walking & talking Angeling that Heals & Buffs people in Town.

26 April 2016 - 03:24 AM

Hi guys I was in a server before for quite long time ago that has this walking and talking Angeling that Heals & Buffs people in Town. . I don't know if it's a Monster or NPC.


I wonder how to do and have that on my server..

So I ask here if you guys have an idea. ^_^


A Big Thanks & a + to all. :D