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Member Since 14 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 03 2017 11:22 AM

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In Topic: Heal over Time

18 May 2017 - 11:18 PM

i now kind of get it. last question: lets say if i want the heal interval to be like 30ms or lower will that cause any problems to the server on how its "stress" level can handle it?

In Topic: Heal over Time

18 May 2017 - 03:59 PM

That what i was thinking i just dont know what values to use and how to use 2 ticks in it.

In Topic: Heal over Time

18 May 2017 - 09:47 AM


There's already bonus2 bHPRegenRate/bSPRegenRate which do exactly that. Check the documentation.

oh i didnt see that however can it be percentage of your max hp instead?


bonus2 bHPRegenRate, (MaxHp/100), 1000;
This script would drain 1% of max hp every 1000ms (1 second).


it should gain 1% every 1s. But thanks i understand now next problem is how long it will linger; was going to put this in ygg berries changing it instead of instant healing to overtime healing. like lets say if you use the berry you would heal 3% of your max hp every 1second for 5second linger time. is it possible still with this item bonus?


sorry for being unspecific.

In Topic: Heal over Time

18 May 2017 - 09:08 AM

There's already bonus2 bHPRegenRate/bSPRegenRate which do exactly that. Check the documentation.


oh i didnt see that however can it be percentage of your max hp instead?

In Topic: failed npc->checknear test.

04 May 2017 - 05:18 AM

I made an item call a function which have player interaction to choose on a menu but it gets the error npc_scriptcont: failed npc->checknear test.
Heres an example of it:
Item id of Knife -> 1202
with script on it as:
callfunc "getSkill";
and the gist of the function of:

function	script	getSkill	{
					dispbottom "Select a Skill you want.";
					switch(select("Enchant Blade:Sonic Wave:Death Bound")){
						case 1: 
							.@r = 1;
						case 2: 
							.@r = 2;
						case 3: 
							.@r = 3;
<More code...>
I'm just wondering if there's any fix to this http://herc.ws/board...equip-function/
or any work around it.
would greatly appreciate it!
Menu without mes is always a problem.
Try put mes before select, and see if original problem exists or not
Also, you don't need to do attachrid in the code you posted above.

I tried it with mes but its still the same. however, instead of "doevent" on the script i used addtimer and no more errors