i now kind of get it. last question: lets say if i want the heal interval to be like 30ms or lower will that cause any problems to the server on how its "stress" level can handle it?
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In Topic: Heal over Time
18 May 2017 - 11:18 PM
In Topic: Heal over Time
18 May 2017 - 03:59 PM
That what i was thinking i just dont know what values to use and how to use 2 ticks in it.
In Topic: Heal over Time
18 May 2017 - 09:47 AM
There's already bonus2 bHPRegenRate/bSPRegenRate which do exactly that. Check the documentation.
oh i didnt see that however can it be percentage of your max hp instead?
bonus2 bHPRegenRate, (MaxHp/100), 1000;This script would drain 1% of max hp every 1000ms (1 second).
it should gain 1% every 1s. But thanks i understand now next problem is how long it will linger; was going to put this in ygg berries changing it instead of instant healing to overtime healing. like lets say if you use the berry you would heal 3% of your max hp every 1second for 5second linger time. is it possible still with this item bonus?
sorry for being unspecific.
In Topic: Heal over Time
18 May 2017 - 09:08 AM
There's already bonus2 bHPRegenRate/bSPRegenRate which do exactly that. Check the documentation.
oh i didnt see that however can it be percentage of your max hp instead?
In Topic: failed npc->checknear test.
04 May 2017 - 05:18 AM
Menu without mes is always a problem.I made an item call a function which have player interaction to choose on a menu but it gets the error npc_scriptcont: failed npc->checknear test.
Heres an example of it:
Item id of Knife -> 1202
with script on it as:
callfunc "getSkill";
and the gist of the function of:function script getSkill { attachrid(getcharid(3)); retryRK: dispbottom "Select a Skill you want."; switch(select("Enchant Blade:Sonic Wave:Death Bound")){ case 1: .@r = 1; break; case 2: .@r = 2; break; case 3: .@r = 3; break; default: goto(retryRK); } close; <More code...>
I'm just wondering if there's any fix to this http://herc.ws/board...equip-function/
or any work around it.
would greatly appreciate it!
Try put mes before select, and see if original problem exists or not
Also, you don't need to do attachrid in the code you posted above.
I tried it with mes but its still the same. however, instead of "doevent" on the script i used addtimer and no more errors
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