Example: This Deviruchi clearly crossed the finish line, but nothing happens.
I'm not sure how to fix this, or if it's specific only to the server I'm playing.
2) Old bug that got carried over from a previous emulator. To win a Dual Monster Race, you have to pick the two monsters who will cross the finish line first, where order does NOT matter. However, in monster_race.txt:
if (monster_race_2_1 == $@mon_race_2_1 && monster_race_2_2 == $@mon_race_2_2) {This code enforces that order DOES matter; The monster you pick first MUST be first place, and the monster you pick second MUST be second place.
The fix is simple though! Replace the previous line with:
if (monster_race_2_1 == $@mon_race_2_1 && monster_race_2_2 == $@mon_race_2_2) || (monster_race_2_1 == $@mon_race_2_2 && monster_race_2_2 == $@mon_race_2_1) {A simple inclusion for both possibilities.