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Member Since 27 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 01 2014 05:05 AM

Topics I've Started

Low rate classic non trans server project

27 July 2014 - 08:43 PM

I'm seeking a passionate and mature staff in starting a low rate classic server. I started RO on private servers around 2004 during its peak on servers such as ProjectRO, XaosRO, EuphRO, etc. While I no longer play the game anymore, I'd like to create and support a classic RO commmunity lead by professional individuals and without any donations or game breaking features.


What I bring to the server:

  • I can fully support the server financially. I'm prepared to pay $100 to $150 per month out of pocket.
  • I can help in all areas of development (server administration, scripting, and web development). I'm not an expert in all of these areas but do have enough experience and skills to contribute heavily and learn.

Please reply via private message if interested.