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Member Since 21 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2017 03:08 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Disguise bug.

24 October 2016 - 04:29 AM

Still having this issue '2015-05-13'

In Topic: Most stable 2015 client?

24 October 2016 - 04:03 AM





Wah ..

What do you means by 



I'm upgrading because if the infamous bug with gtx 750 and 970 video cards where you have to CTRL + ALT + DELETE and cancel so sprites wont look... pixelated (more pixelated that is).




black boxes on map textures. Anti-aliasing error (I assume). It can easily be resolved by CTRL + ALT + DELETE then ESC. But it errors everytime I close the client. Which is really bothersome because I'm not sure if I'm getting error because of my graphics' issue or it's because of something else.


Do you have bug on @disguise in 20150513? After I move (when disguised) once, and try to move again, the sprite stays on that location (other players can see my sprite moving though).


Wow. Weird problem in gtx. 
I dont have any GC but no problem. Hihi.

Nope. I dont get the problem.. Are you using the latest translation ? 


I am, latest svn too. Translation; like, data translation? Could it be a problem with my clientinfo? what  <version> and <langtype> should I use?


Yeah data translation. are you using the latest one ?  Im using langtype 6 and its work good. and the  version im using 46


Didn't work. It's a clean client, clean svn. Not sure why this happens. Perhaps a problem with the diff? But I only selected the recommended diffs.

In Topic: Most stable 2015 client?

24 October 2016 - 03:22 AM



Wah ..

What do you means by 



I'm upgrading because if the infamous bug with gtx 750 and 970 video cards where you have to CTRL + ALT + DELETE and cancel so sprites wont look... pixelated (more pixelated that is).




black boxes on map textures. Anti-aliasing error (I assume). It can easily be resolved by CTRL + ALT + DELETE then ESC. But it errors everytime I close the client. Which is really bothersome because I'm not sure if I'm getting error because of my graphics' issue or it's because of something else.


Do you have bug on @disguise in 20150513? After I move (when disguised) once, and try to move again, the sprite stays on that location (other players can see my sprite moving though).


Wow. Weird problem in gtx. 
I dont have any GC but no problem. Hihi.

Nope. I dont get the problem.. Are you using the latest translation ? 


I am, latest svn too. Translation; like, data translation? Could it be a problem with my clientinfo? what  <version> and <langtype> should I use?

In Topic: Most stable 2015 client?

24 October 2016 - 02:27 AM

Wah ..

What do you means by 



I'm upgrading because if the infamous bug with gtx 750 and 970 video cards where you have to CTRL + ALT + DELETE and cancel so sprites wont look... pixelated (more pixelated that is).




black boxes on map textures. Anti-aliasing error (I assume). It can easily be resolved by CTRL + ALT + DELETE then ESC. But it errors everytime I close the client. Which is really bothersome because I'm not sure if I'm getting error because of my graphics' issue or it's because of something else.


Do you have bug on @disguise in 20150513? After I move (when disguised) once, and try to move again, the sprite stays on that location (other players can see my sprite moving though).

In Topic: monster hp bar, but only for mvps?

16 September 2016 - 07:09 AM

Try navigating to the function clif_monster_hp_bar in clif.c and add a condition for the mob to be a mvp. Something like md->state.boss

void clif_monster_hp_bar( struct mob_data* md, struct map_session_data *sd ) {
	struct packet_monster_hp p;
	   p.PacketType = monsterhpType;
	   p.GID = md->bl.id;
	   p.HP = md->status.hp;
	   p.MaxHP = md->status.max_hp;

	   clif->send(&p, sizeof(p), &sd->bl, SELF);

PD: Don't forget to recompile.


Where will i put 'md->state.boss'? I don't wanna mess things up. Thanks :D

Try navigating to the function clif_monster_hp_bar in clif.c and add a condition for the mob to be a mvp. Something like md->state.boss

void clif_monster_hp_bar( struct mob_data* md, struct map_session_data *sd ) {
	struct packet_monster_hp p;
	   p.PacketType = monsterhpType;
	   p.GID = md->bl.id;
	   p.HP = md->status.hp;
	   p.MaxHP = md->status.max_hp;

	   clif->send(&p, sizeof(p), &sd->bl, SELF);

PD: Don't forget to recompile.



I assume it would look something like this? 

void clif_monster_hp_bar( struct mob_data* md, struct map_session_data *sd ) {
    if( md->state.boss ){
    struct packet_monster_hp p;
    p.PacketType = monsterhpType;
    p.GID = md->bl.id;
    p.HP = md->status.hp;
    p.MaxHP = md->status.max_hp;
    clif->send(&p, sizeof(p), &sd->bl, 


I tried it, it still shows normal mob's HP