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Member Since 28 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 28 2014 12:30 PM

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Question about Hercules and Debian 7

28 August 2014 - 06:00 AM

Ok, I searched for hours and hours on this forum I tried the Wiki tutorial 7 HoWto and I came as far as creating all 3 Servers and the whole MYSQL database without Problems. But then always I just lose it.


I really tried to read everything and look for all possible helps but I just need to ask and that sucks.


It seems I am not able to create a proper working Hercules Ragnarok Server on my Root-DS Linux Debian 7 Wheezy Server.


I am asking here kindly for someone willing to help me with it over Skype or other means of communication. I would be willing to follow a Guide on how to set it up if I find any for Linux at all.


Sorry for this question I really tried to do it alone but before I break something I will ask.