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Member Since 08 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2014 04:29 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Disconnect a player

19 October 2014 - 12:05 AM

@Normynator, this pedrola should be the acc login or the character name?

but it didnt work...

In Topic: Disconnect a player

18 October 2014 - 10:35 PM

@Normynator, Hi bro. I have  a script to change the vip status when it done but i need to disconnect the character if its online, do u have any idea? TY!

In Topic: Disconnect a player

18 October 2014 - 08:25 PM

Hi evilpuncker! Tnx for u answer. I did what u told me but i got this message:


17:18:00,851: [Debug]: Function: strcharinfo (1 parameter):
17:18:00,864: [Debug]: Data: number value=0
17:18:00,872: [Debug]: Source (NPC): SysVip#clock (invisible/not on a map)
how can I solve this?


01 October 2014 - 03:00 PM

Na verdade, ele esta muito certo.


Fora que, não fornecemos os itens pedidos, você tem que pesquisar e aprender como faze-los.

Amigo, ele ja procurou e infelizmente não conseguiu achar ou não conseguiu fazer. Realmente é um incomodo muito grande tanto pra nós iniciantes como pra vcs "experts" ter que passar por estas coisas. Eu consegui resolver o problema dele (que era o mesmo que o meu) então o problema foi resolvido e pode trancar o tópico, aliás, não só o tópico como a seção inteira de suporte pt-br já que quando os iniciantes tem dúvidas e a maioria delas os "experts" não conseguem resolver a resposta massificada e padrão sempre será: "Procure, preguiçoso." 


Abraços ae, "experts"  :D

In Topic: [Problem] Class name doesnt displays properly.

29 September 2014 - 02:51 PM

Posted Image06.png


Hi guys,


I´d like to know how can i change the class names. Ive tried almost everything lol but no success. The only way that i found was editing the hexed with a hex editor. The problem is that my hexed doesnt read the msgstringtable classes and its too hard to change all class names by editing the hexed cuz the class name must be equal or next to the old class name. I will post some pictures. Any ideas?? Ty guys!

Posted Image01.pngPosted Image02.jpgPosted Image03.pngPosted Image04.pngPosted Image05.png

You might need to edit Class name by Hexing(The Only Way without mods) or Diff your client with "Enable Custom Jobs" via Nemo and edit the lua files provided with that diff.

@Dastgir Hey bro, ty for reply! I've enabled the custom jobs via nemo but i got that error:Posted Image06.png


Any idea?

as I told, include lua's provided with that diff:

https://github.com/M...Lua Files/Admin

@Dastgir Ty my friend. thats works! and the moderator can lock the topic!