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Member Since 14 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2017 02:54 PM

#61609 I want to make a command @bghappy 20 <- 20% bonus

Posted by Soul1992 on 16 August 2015 - 08:06 PM

-       script  bghappy_1   -1,{              OnInit:bindatcmd "bghappy",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBghappy", 40,99; end; OnBghappy:if (@bghappy) {set @bghappy, 0;setbattleflag "bg_reward_rates",100; // Normal Ratessetbattleflag "bg_ranked_mode",0; dispbottom "Battlegrounds +20% mode is OFF.";end;} else {set @bghappy, 1;setbattleflag "bg_reward_rates",120; // +20% Reward Ratessetbattleflag "bg_ranked_mode",1;dispbottom "Battlegrounds +20% mode is ON.";end;}}

#57005 Onequip

Posted by Soul1992 on 19 May 2015 - 08:36 PM

if(readparam(bStr)>=245){ bonus bStr,10; bonus bDex,10; bonus bAgi,10; bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,5;} },{},{}
if(readparam(bVit)>=245){ bonus bVit,10; bonus bLuk,10; bonus bDex,10; bonus bMaxHPrate,5;} },{},{}
if(readparam(bInt)>=245){ bonus bInt,10; bonus bDex,10; bonus bAgi,10; bonus bMatkRate,5;} },{},{}
if(readparam(bDex)>=245){ bonus bLuk,10; bonus bDex,10; bonus bAgi,10; bonus bLongAtkRate,5;} },{},{}