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Member Since 15 May 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2014 09:45 AM

Topics I've Started

malangdo weapon enchant not working

28 February 2014 - 02:42 PM

can anyone confirm why malangdo enchant weapon not working


i have tried to enchant my lvl 4 weapon and i also have seagod anger and silvervine fruit and a-class coins

MsgStringTable.txt for 2014-01-15 RagExe.Exe

28 February 2014 - 12:24 PM

Can anyone give me the link of that msgstringtable.txt


thanks in advance

Mora Gear

06 February 2014 - 04:21 PM

Do We have now the items and equips in mora town


can you give me the itemdb and iteminfo of that items and equips


thanks in advance.

item_db.txt in docs folder

17 December 2013 - 07:59 PM

from this old doc txt:


View: For normal items, defines a replacement view-sprite for the item (eg:      Making apples look like apple juice). The special case are weapons      and ammo where this value indicates the weapon-class of the item.	For weapons, the types are:		0: bare fist		1: Daggers		2: One-handed swords		3: Two-handed swords		4: One-handed spears		5: Two-handed spears		6: One-handed axes		7: Two-handed axes		8: Maces		9: Unused		10: Staves		11: Bows		12: Knuckles		13: Musical Instruments		14: Whips		15: Books		16: Katars		17: Revolvers		18: Rifles		19: Gatling guns		20: Shotguns		21: Grenade launchers		22: Fuuma Shurikens

to this new docs


View: For normal items, defines a replacement view-sprite for the item (eg:      Making apples look like apple juice). The special case are weapons      and ammo where this value indicates the weapon-class of the item.	For weapons, the types are:		0: bare fist		1: Daggers		2: One-handed swords		3: Two-handed swords		4: One-handed spears		5: Two-handed spears		6: One-handed axes		7: Two-handed axes		8: Maces		9: Two-handed Maces		10: Staves		11: Bows		12: Knuckles		13: Musical Instruments		14: Whips		15: Books		16: Katars		17: Revolvers		18: Rifles		19: Gatling guns		20: Shotguns		21: Grenade launchers		22: Fuuma Shurikens		23: Two-handed Staves

thanks, more power to Hercules

how to convert item_db2.txt to item_db2.conf using perl

15 December 2013 - 03:23 PM

can anyone help me how to use perl, can you give me a guide or can you clarify it how to use perl, do i need to run the itemdbconverter.pl in tools folder in hercules SVN?