That looks like a pretty cool server.
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In Topic: Icons in npc
25 October 2016 - 03:27 AM
In Topic: Sorry, no form session found (hack attempt ?)
02 May 2016 - 05:04 PM
Anyway, it seems the issues don't stop there:
That vending map was made exclusively for me, by a friend, as a personal request.
After being bullshitted in-game by the players/staff of the server, I checked the GRF only to find a few other exclusive maps that I encrypted in my GRF and that @Chemi made for me.
This includes monsterhunt, a bad clone I made myself, summer01 which Chemi reworked for me, and my vending map made by my friend.
Anyway, they say imitation is the best form of flattery, but there's imitation, and then there's just theft.
Most if not all of these maps were encrypted, which just makes it worse.
The funniest part is I got ganged up in-game and got this:
Anyway, friendly reminder to everybody to encrypt your files. Though apparently even that's not enough these days. :^]
Edit: Haha just found LimitRO's vending map in the GRF too. lrvend
Sorry about going off-topic, but I don't feel this deserves its own thread, and people have a right to know what kind of server they might join, or what kind of people they might end up working with.
In Topic: Sorry, no form session found (hack attempt ?)
01 May 2016 - 11:18 PM
- Over it, people will always steal files, making others feel uncomfortable about sharing.
In Topic: Inodes full. Why ?
13 April 2016 - 08:13 AM
Or you can swap to a webhost that doesn't limit your Inodes to 25k. That's what I'd do. (And did)
In Topic: DailyRewards like this one so cool!
10 March 2016 - 05:16 PM
Completely unrelated but, thanks to that cutin thing I found a way to make guidebook with images. ALL HAIL lmao
I know it's way off topic, but I'd love to see it! It's another thing I've wanted to make for a while now.
And on topic, sorry we're not sharing our script, it's got too many unique functions to our server.
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