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Member Since 25 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 20 2017 05:59 AM

Topics I've Started

Some custom drops don't register some do?

16 May 2015 - 08:24 AM

Having an issue with some custom drops that don't seem to be registering for example  "Hyukes Black Cat Ears","Chick Hat" and many other custom drops I have set to drop off a monster at very low chance. however it does not seem to matter how many times I save and recompile. The server does not seem to want to read the mob_db/item_db changes I have made.    


Some items get added perfectly fine. for example I have ifrit ears dropping off ifrit and when I do a @mobinfo on him  the item is infact there.  I checked many more items but it seems a few items just cant be added to the drop tables.


I am using SDE to do my DB edits, and am set to pre-renewal.  What determines if a monster can drop an item?


Also an extra question if thats okay,  does @reloadmobdb/@reloaditemdb  effectively let me test to see if its working without recompile or does the server have to be recompiled to see changes made to the drops.




Client side graphical errors?

08 May 2015 - 08:43 PM

Close topic problem solved!

Partially Translated Client

08 May 2015 - 10:35 AM

After hours of learning how to setup stuff I have a server fully functional and still have to work on setting up Flux CP  but the best part is having a working RO Client with a few floor texture issues.


Now for the topic at hand,  after applying Michis Translation files I'm running into a half translated client and I'm not sure whats missing.  I have the server setup for Pre-renewal  under PACKETVER 20130807


Diffed with  Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo.lub  






Anyone have any idea what I did wrong I have been fiddling with it for a few hours with no luck in fixing it, I feel like I may have built the client completely wrong.


Client wont recognize clientinfo.xml from GRF and other minor issues.

24 November 2014 - 07:20 AM

Having issues with setting up a client for 2013-08-14,  I get failed to connect to server and even the server console wont output anything,  I'll try to give as much information as possible.  I'm sure the problem is really simple and i may be overlooking it.


My Clientinfo.xml


Posted Image


Heres my server console


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Posted Image


I diffed the client with only with the recommended settings.


Posted Image


Packet defined.




The only other thing I can think of Is that I didnt config my Char/map server correctly but I'm almost sure I did or else my Console wouldn't suggest the server is online.    I'm not connecting to localhost. 


Posted Image





The only thing that strikes me odd is the fact the login screen has an ID/password Prompt   I thought 2013 clients is where they dropped support for it?  I tried logging in with loki or Rolex but still no output to the server console.  I'm new to Hercules and RO server emulation in general so I'm not even sure if I entirely did this correctly.  I followed instructions based on the wiki.