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Member Since 04 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active May 12 2016 06:47 AM

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In Topic: Buying WHMCS License

03 January 2015 - 02:05 PM


In Topic: Buying WHMCS License

17 December 2014 - 03:23 AM

As Title given above does anyone of you sells WHMCS License Willing to buy a license with or without brandingn name Right Amount for the Right |License thank you!
Paypal Transaction Only

Buy from whmcs site, or choose a reseller webhost which provides whmcs free.


I was thinking of getting a lesser amount with the same service License of WHMCS can be transfered :D

In Topic: Harmony Patch 3.3.12 30 MAI

05 November 2014 - 07:56 AM

####################################################################### "Getting Started with CMake", a tutorial video by Eric Wing.#   Part 1 of 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLvZTyji_Uw#   Part 2 of 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUW-RrRQjEg#   Part 3 of 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz6cPhbuTk4#   Part 4 of 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JICZOkyNXbg#   Part 5 of 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAiuLHy4dCk#   Part 6 of 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAtJNzDZdH8## You can use notepad++ for syntax highlighting.# Naming conventions:#   WITH_*   : option to use an external package or not#   ENABLE_* : option to use an internal feature/code or not#   HAVE_*   : internal variable indicating if we have and are using something## Maintainers: Flavio J. Saraiva (feel free to send complaints or suggestions)#   flaviojs @ rAthena forum/irc#   flaviojs2005 A-T/ gmail <D.o,T> com#   lightaisme A-T/ gmail <D.o,T> com#######################################################################cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8.4 )# Functional changes from 2.8.3 to 2.8.4:#   string(SUBSTRING) works with length -1 as "rest of string"#   changes to some CPack generators#   CYGWIN no longer defines WIN32#   CMP0017: Prefer files from the CMake module directory when including from there.set( CMAKE_LEGACY_CYGWIN_WIN32 0 )cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8.8 )project( rAthena C )if( CYGWIN )	unset( WIN32 )endif()## Prevent building in the source directory by default#if( ALLOW_SAME_DIRECTORY )elseif( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" )	option( ALLOW_SAME_DIRECTORY "Allow CMake to build in the source directory." OFF )	message( FATAL_ERROR		"Do not use the source directory to build your files, instead delete CMakeCache.txt, create a separate folder and build there.n"		"Example: (build in subdir 'build' and install to source dir)n"		"  rm -f CMakeCache.txtn"		"  mkdir buildn"		"  cd buildn"		"  cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DINSTALL_TO_SOURCE=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..n"		"  make installn"		"  cd ..n"		"  rm -rf buildn"		"To skip this check, set ALLOW_SAME_DIRECTORY to ON (-DALLOW_SAME_DIRECTORY=ON)" )endif()## Global stuff#set( GLOBAL_LIBRARIES ${LINK_LIBRARIES}  CACHE INTERNAL "" )# list (comma separated values)set( GLOBAL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}  CACHE INTERNAL "" )# list (comma separated values)set( GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS ${COMPILE_DEFINITIONS}  CACHE INTERNAL "" )# string (space separated values -DFOO=bar)mark_as_advanced( GLOBAL_LIBRARIES  GLOBAL_INCLUDE_DIRS  GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS )if( WIN32 )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -DFD_SETSIZE=4096" )endif()if( MSVC )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_LIBRARIES    PROPERTY VALUE ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} "oldnames.lib" "ws2_32.lib" )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE" )endif()## 3rd party#set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/cmake  CACHE INTERNAL "" )include( CheckCSourceCompiles )include( CheckCSourceRuns )include( CheckIncludeFile )include( CheckFunctionExists )include( FindFunctionLibrary )include( TestBigEndian )## PACKETVER#set( PACKETVER CACHE STRING "Sets the PACKETVER define of the servers. (see src/common/mmo.h)" )if( PACKETVER )	list( APPEND GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PACKETVER=${PACKETVER} )endif()## Find git#message( STATUS "Detecting git" )find_package(Git)if(GIT_FOUND)	if(GIT_VERSION_STRING)		message(STATUS "Found git : ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} version (${GIT_VERSION_STRING})")	else()		message(STATUS "Found git : ${GIT_EXECUTABLE}")	endif()endif()## Find svnversion#message( STATUS "Detecting svnversion" )find_program( SVNVERSION_EXECUTABLE svnversion )mark_as_advanced( SVNVERSION_EXECUTABLE )if( SVNVERSION_EXECUTABLE )	message( STATUS "Found svnversion: ${SVNVERSION_EXECUTABLE}" )endif()message( STATUS "Detecting svnversion - done" )## Find Subversion#message( STATUS "Detecting Subversion" )find_package( Subversion )message( STATUS "Detecting Subversion - done" )## SVNVERSION#if( SVNVERSION_EXECUTABLE )	message( STATUS "Getting svn version" )	execute_process( COMMAND ${SVNVERSION_EXECUTABLE} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}		OUTPUT_VARIABLE SVNVERSION		OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE )	if( SVNVERSION MATCHES "^Unversioned" )		set( SVNVERSION )	endif()	string( REGEX REPLACE "[^1234567890MSexported]" "_" SVNVERSION "${SVNVERSION}" )	message( STATUS "Found SVNversion: ${SVNVERSION}" )	message( STATUS "Getting svn version - done" )endif()if( Subversion_FOUND AND SVNVERSION )	message( STATUS "Getting svn branch" )	Subversion_WC_INFO( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} rAthena )	if( rAthena_WC_URL )		string( REGEX MATCH "[^/]+$" BRANCH ${rAthena_WC_URL} )		set( SVNVERSION "${BRANCH}-${SVNVERSION}" )		message( STATUS "Found branch: ${BRANCH}" )	endif()	message( STATUS "Getting svn branch - done" )endif()## threads#message( STATUS "Detecting threads library" )set( CMAKE_THREAD_PREFER_PTHREAD 1 )find_package(Threads REQUIRED)if( CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT )	message( STATUS "Adding global library: ${FUNCTION_FLOOR_LIBRARIES}" )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_LIBRARIES  PROPERTY VALUE ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} )endif()message( STATUS "Detecting threads library - done" )## math library (FreeBSD/Linux/Solaris)#message( STATUS "Detecting math library (m)" )CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE( math.h HAVE_MATH_H )if( NOT HAVE_MATH_H )	message( FATAL_ERROR "math.h not found" )endif()set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} )find_function_library( floor FUNCTION_FLOOR_LIBRARIES m )if( FUNCTION_FLOOR_LIBRARIES )	message( STATUS "Adding global library: ${FUNCTION_FLOOR_LIBRARIES}" )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_LIBRARIES  PROPERTY VALUE ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} ${FUNCTION_FLOOR_LIBRARIES} )endif()message( STATUS "Detecting math library (m) - done" )## dynamic loading library (Linux)#if( NOT WIN32 )message( STATUS "Detecting dynamic loading library (dl)" )set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} )find_function_library( dlopen FUNCTION_DLOPEN_LIBRARIES dl )if( FUNCTION_DLOPEN_LIBRARIES )	message( STATUS "Adding global library: ${FUNCTION_DLOPEN_LIBRARIES}" )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_LIBRARIES  PROPERTY VALUE ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} ${FUNCTION_DLOPEN_LIBRARIES} )endif()message( STATUS "Detecting dynamic loading library (dl) - done" )endif()## networking library (Solaris/MinGW)#if( NOT MSVC )message( STATUS "Detecting networking library (socket/nsl/ws2_32)" )set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} )find_function_library( bind FUNCTION_BIND_LIBRARIES socket ws2_32 )if( FUNCTION_BIND_LIBRARIES )	message( STATUS "Adding global library: ${FUNCTION_BIND_LIBRARIES}" )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_LIBRARIES  PROPERTY VALUE ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} ${FUNCTION_BIND_LIBRARIES} )endif()set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} )find_function_library( gethostbyname FUNCTION_GETHOSTBYNAME_LIBRARIES nsl )if( FUNCTION_GETHOSTBYNAME_LIBRARIES )	message( STATUS "Adding global library: ${FUNCTION_GETHOSTBYNAME_LIBRARIES}" )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_LIBRARIES  PROPERTY VALUE ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} ${FUNCTION_GETHOSTBYNAME_LIBRARIES} )endif()message( STATUS "Detecting networking library (socket/nsl/ws2_32) - done" )endif()## Test for big endian#TEST_BIG_ENDIAN( BIG_ENDIAN )if( NOT DEFINED BIG_ENDIAN )	message( WARNING "unable to determine endianess, only LITTLE ENDIAN is supported" )elseif( BIG_ENDIAN )	message( FATAL_ERROR "bigendian is not supported" )endif()## Test monotonic clock## CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock for clock_gettime# Normally defines _POSIX_TIMERS > 0 and _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK (for posix# compliant systems) and __FreeBSD_cc_version >= 500005 (for FreeBSD# >= 5.1.0, which does not have the posix defines (ref. r11983)) would be# checked but some systems define them even when they do not support it# (ref. bugreport:1003).#message( STATUS "Check for monotonic clock" )find_library( RT_LIBRARY rt )# (optional, rt on Debian)mark_as_advanced( RT_LIBRARY )set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} ${RT_LIBRARY} )file( READ "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/cmake/tests/HAVE_MONOTONIC_CLOCK.c" _SOURCE )CHECK_C_SOURCE_RUNS( "${_SOURCE}" HAVE_MONOTONIC_CLOCK )if( HAVE_MONOTONIC_CLOCK )	message( STATUS "Check for monotonic clock - yes" )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_LIBRARIES    PROPERTY VALUE ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} ${RT_LIBRARY} )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -DHAVE_MONOTONIC_CLOCK" )else()	message( STATUS "Check for monotonic clock - no" )endif()## Test if function exists:#   setrlimit - used to set the socket limit#   strnlen - string length with upper scan bound#   getpid - process id#   gettid - thread id#CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS( setrlimit HAVE_SETRLIMIT )CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS( strnlen HAVE_STRNLEN )CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS( getpid HAVE_GETPID )CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS( gettid HAVE_GETTID )foreach( define HAVE_SETRLIMIT HAVE_STRNLEN HAVE_GETPID HAVE_GETTID )	if( ${define} )		set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -D${define}" )	endif()endforeach()## Use RDTSC instruction as a timing source (time stamp counter on x86 since Pentium) (default=OFF)## Enable it when you've timing issues. (ex: in conjunction with XEN or Other Virtualization mechanisms)# Please ensure that you've disabled dynamic CPU-Frequencys, such as power saving options.# (On the most modern Dedicated Servers cpufreq is preconfigured, see your distribution's manual how to disable it)#option( ENABLE_RDTSC "use RDTSC instruction as a timing source (default=OFF)" OFF )if( ENABLE_RDTSC )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -DENABLE_RDTSC" )	message( STATUS "Enabled RDTSC as a timing source" )endif()## Enable extra debug code (default=OFF)#option( ENABLE_EXTRA_DEBUG_CODE "enable extra debug code (default=OFF)" OFF )if( ENABLE_EXTRA_DEBUG_CODE )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -DDEBUG" )	message( STATUS "Enabled extra DEBUG code" )endif()## Enable builtin memory manager (default=default)#set( MEMMGR_OPTIONS "default;yes;no" )set( ENABLE_MEMMGR "default" CACHE STRING "enable builtin memory manager: ${MEMMGR_OPTIONS} (default=default)" )set_property( CACHE ENABLE_MEMMGR  PROPERTY STRINGS ${MEMMGR_OPTIONS} )if( ENABLE_MEMMGR STREQUAL "default" )	# use source code defaultelseif( ENABLE_MEMMGR STREQUAL "yes" )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -DUSE_MEMMGR" )	message( STATUS "Enabled the builtin memory manager" )elseif( ENABLE_MEMMGR STREQUAL "no" )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -DNO_MEMMGR" )	message( STATUS "Disabled the builtin memory manager" )else()	message( FATAL_ERROR "invalid option ENABLE_MEMMGR=${ENABLE_MEMMGR} (valid options: ${MEMMGR_OPTIONS})" )endif()## Enable memory library (default=system)#set( MEMORY_OPTIONS "system;memwatch;dmalloc;gcollect" )set( ENABLE_MEMORY "system" CACHE STRING "enable memory library: ${MEMORY_OPTIONS} (default=system)" )set_property( CACHE ENABLE_MEMORY  PROPERTY STRINGS ${MEMORY_OPTIONS} )if( ENABLE_MEMORY STREQUAL "system" )	# use system functionselseif( ENABLE_MEMORY STREQUAL "memwatch" )	CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE( memwatch.h HAVE_MEMWATCH_H )	find_library( MEMWATCH_LIBRARY memwatch )	mark_as_advanced( MEMWATCH_LIBRARY )	if( HAVE_MEMWATCH_H AND MEMWATCH_LIBRARY )		message( STATUS "Adding global library: ${MEMWATCH_LIBRARY}" )		set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_LIBRARIES    PROPERTY VALUE ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} ${MEMWATCH_LIBRARY} )		set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -DMEMWATCH" )		message( STATUS "Enabled the memory library memwatch" )	else()		message( FATAL_ERROR "Failed to enable the memory library memwatch" )	endif()elseif( ENABLE_MEMORY STREQUAL "dmalloc" )	CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE( dmalloc.h HAVE_DMALLOC_H )	find_library( DMALLOC_LIBRARY dmalloc )	mark_as_advanced( DMALLOC_LIBRARY )	if( HAVE_DMALLOC_H AND DMALLOC_LIBRARY )		message( STATUS "Adding global library: ${DMALLOC_LIBRARY}" )		set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_LIBRARIES    PROPERTY VALUE ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} ${DMALLOC_LIBRARY} )		set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -DDMALLOC -DDMALLOC_FUNC_CHECK" )		message( STATUS "Enabled the memory library dmalloc" )	else()		message( FATAL_ERROR "Failed to enable the memory library dmalloc" )	endif()elseif( ENABLE_MEMORY STREQUAL "gcollect" )	CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE( gc.h HAVE_GC_H )	find_library( GC_LIBRARY gc )	mark_as_advanced( GC_LIBRARY )	if( HAVE_GC_H AND GC_LIBRARY )		message( STATUS "Adding global library: ${GC_LIBRARY}" )		set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_LIBRARIES    PROPERTY VALUE ${GLOBAL_LIBRARIES} ${GC_LIBRARY} )		set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -DGCOLLECT" )		message( STATUS "Enabled the memory library gcollect" )	else()		message( FATAL_ERROR "Failed to enable the memory library gcollect" )	endif()else()	message( FATAL_ERROR "invalid option ENABLE_MEMORY=${ENABLE_MEMORY} (valid options: ${MEMORY_OPTIONS})" )endif()## Enable profiler (default=none)#set( PROFILER_OPTIONS "none;gprof" )set( ENABLE_PROFILER "none" CACHE STRING "enable profiler: ${PROFILER_OPTIONS} (default=none)" )set_property( CACHE ENABLE_PROFILER  PROPERTY STRINGS ${PROFILER_OPTIONS} )if( ENABLE_PROFILER STREQUAL "none" )	# no profilerelseif( ENABLE_PROFILER STREQUAL "gprof" )	if( CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU" )		if( NOT HAVE_GPROF_FLAGS )			set_property( CACHE CMAKE_C_FLAGS  PROPERTY VALUE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -pg" )			set_property( CACHE CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS  PROPERTY VALUE "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -pg" )			set( HAVE_GPROF_FLAGS ON  CACHE INTERNAL "" )		endif()		message( STATUS "Enabled the profiler gprof" )	else()		message( FATAL_ERROR "Failed to enable the profiler gprof - not GNU" )	endif()else()	message( FATAL_ERROR "invalid option ENABLE_PROFILER=${ENABLE_PROFILER} (valid options: ${PROFILER_OPTIONS})" )endif()## Enable extra buildbot code (default=OFF)#option( ENABLE_EXTRA_BUILDBOT_CODE "enable extra buildbot code (default=OFF)" OFF )if( ENABLE_EXTRA_BUILDBOT_CODE )	set_property( CACHE GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS  PROPERTY VALUE "${GLOBAL_DEFINITIONS} -DBUILDBOT" )	message( STATUS "Enabled extra BUILDBOT code" )endif()###################################################################### package stuff#set( CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME "rAthena" )set( CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "MMORPG server package" )set( CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION ${SVNVERSION} )set( CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE )#set( CPACK_MONOLITHIC_INSTALL ON )include( CPACK  OPTIONAL  RESULT_VARIABLE HAVE_CPACK )if( HAVE_CPACK )	option( WITH_CPACK "enable building packages with CPack ('package' target)" ON )endif()if( NOT WITH_CPACK )	# empty replacements	macro( cpack_add_component_group )	endmacro()	macro( cpack_add_component )	endmacro()	message( STATUS "Disabled package creation" )endif()set( Runtime "Runtime files"  CACHE INTERNAL "" )set( Runtime_base "configurations, dbs, npcs, docs, ..."  CACHE INTERNAL "" )set( Runtime_templates "conf/import and save (generated from conf/import-tmpl and save-tmpl)"  CACHE INTERNAL "" )cpack_add_component_group( Runtime DESCRIPTION ${Runtime} DISPLAY_NAME "Runtime" )cpack_add_component( Runtime_base DESCRIPTION ${Runtime_base} DISPLAY_NAME "Base files" GROUP Runtime )cpack_add_component( Runtime_templates DESCRIPTION ${Runtime_templates} DISPLAY_NAME "Base templates" GROUP Runtime )set( Development "Development files"  CACHE INTERNAL "" )set( Development_base "projects, 3rdparty, sources, templates"  CACHE INTERNAL "" )cpack_add_component_group( Development DESCRIPTION ${Development} DISPLAY_NAME "Development" )cpack_add_component( Development_base DESCRIPTION ${Development_base} DISPLAY_NAME "Base files" GROUP Development )## install stuff#option( INSTALL_COMPONENT_RUNTIME "install/package files needed to run the project" ON )option( INSTALL_COMPONENT_DEVELOPMENT "install/package files needed to build the project" OFF )option( INSTALL_TO_PATH "copy files to INSTALL_PATH" OFF )option( INSTALL_TO_SOURCE "copy files to source directory, skips what is already there (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})" OFF )option( INSTALL_TO_SUBDIR "copy files to subdirectory (${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/install)" OFF )set( INSTALL_PATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}"  CACHE STRING "install path (only used when INSTALL_TO_PATH is set)" )mark_as_advanced( CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX )if( INSTALL_TO_PATH AND NOT ("${INSTALL_TO}" STREQUAL "path") )# changed to path	set_property( CACHE INSTALL_TO_SOURCE INSTALL_TO_SUBDIR  PROPERTY VALUE OFF )elseif( INSTALL_TO_SOURCE AND NOT ("${INSTALL_TO}" STREQUAL "source") )# changed to source	set_property( CACHE INSTALL_TO_PATH INSTALL_TO_SUBDIR  PROPERTY VALUE OFF )elseif( INSTALL_TO_SUBDIR AND NOT ("${INSTALL_TO}" STREQUAL "subdir") )# changed to subdir	set_property( CACHE INSTALL_TO_PATH INSTALL_TO_SOURCE  PROPERTY VALUE OFF )elseif( NOT INSTALL_TO_PATH AND NOT INSTALL_TO_SOURCE AND NOT INSTALL_TO_SUBDIR )# default	set_property( CACHE INSTALL_TO_SUBDIR  PROPERTY VALUE ON )endif()if( INSTALL_TO_PATH )	set( INSTALL_TO "path"  CACHE INTERNAL "" )	set_property( CACHE CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX  PROPERTY VALUE "${INSTALL_PATH}" )elseif( INSTALL_TO_SOURCE )	set( INSTALL_TO "source"  CACHE INTERNAL "" )	set_property( CACHE CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX  PROPERTY VALUE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" )elseif( INSTALL_TO_SUBDIR )	set( INSTALL_TO "subdir"  CACHE INTERNAL "" )	set_property( CACHE CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX  PROPERTY VALUE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/install" )endif()set( SVN_FOLDER_PATTERN "[.]svn"  CACHE STRING "pattern of svn folder that we exclude from instalations" )mark_as_advanced( SVN_FOLDER_PATTERN )set( DEVELOPMENT_FILES	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/configure"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/configure.in"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/rAthena-9.sln"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/rAthena-10.sln"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/rAthena-12.sln"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/rAthena-13.sln"	)set( DEVELOPMENT_DIRECTORIES	"3rdparty"	"conf/import-tmpl"	"conf/msg_conf/import-tmpl"	"db/import-tmpl"	"src"	"vcproj-9"	"vcproj-10"	)set( RUNTIME_FILES	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/athena-start"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/charserv.bat"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/dbghelp.dll"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/libmysql.dll"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/logserv.bat"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mapserv.bat"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pcre3.dll"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/README.txt"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/runserver.bat"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/serv.bat"	"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/zlib1.dll"	)set( RUNTIME_DIRECTORIES	"conf"	"db"	"doc"	"log"	"npc"	"sql-files"	"tools"	)if( INSTALL_TO_SOURCE )# skip, already in the source direlse()	if( INSTALL_COMPONENT_RUNTIME )		install( FILES ${RUNTIME_FILES}			DESTINATION "."			COMPONENT Runtime_base )		foreach( DIR IN ITEMS ${RUNTIME_DIRECTORIES} )			if( EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${DIR}/" )				install( DIRECTORY "${DIR}/"					DESTINATION "${DIR}"					COMPONENT Runtime_base					PATTERN ${SVN_FOLDER_PATTERN} EXCLUDE					PATTERN "conf/import-tmpl" EXCLUDE )			else()				# create empty directory				install( CODE "file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${ENV}${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${DIR}")"					COMPONENT Runtime_base )			endif()		endforeach()	endif( INSTALL_COMPONENT_RUNTIME )	if( INSTALL_COMPONENT_DEVELOPMENT )		install( FILES ${DEVELOPMENT_FILES}			DESTINATION "."			COMPONENT Development_base )		foreach( DIR IN ITEMS ${DEVELOPMENT_DIRECTORIES} )			install( DIRECTORY "${DIR}/"				DESTINATION "${DIR}"				COMPONENT Development_base				PATTERN ${SVN_FOLDER_PATTERN} EXCLUDE )		endforeach()	endif( INSTALL_COMPONENT_DEVELOPMENT )endif()if( INSTALL_COMPONENT_RUNTIME )	# templates	set( _TEMPLATES		"conf/import-tmpl" "conf/import"		"conf/msg_conf/import-tmpl" "conf/msg_conf/import"		"db/import-tmpl" "db/import"		)	set( INSTALL_TEMPLATES_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/InstallTemplates.cmake" )	file( WRITE "${INSTALL_TEMPLATES_FILE}"		"macro( INSTALL_TEMPLATE _SRC _DST )n"		"  set( SRC "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_SRC}" )n"		"  set( DST "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_DST}" )n"		"  if( EXISTS "${DST}" )n"		"    message( "-- Already exists: ${DST}" )n"		"  else()n"		"    message( "-- Installing template: ${DST}" )n"		"    execute_process( COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy "${SRC}" "${DST}" )n"		"  endif()n"		"endmacro()n"		)	while( _TEMPLATES )		list( GET _TEMPLATES 0 _SRC )		list( GET _TEMPLATES 1 _DST )		list( REMOVE_AT _TEMPLATES 0 1 )		if( IS_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_SRC}" )			file( GLOB _PATHS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_SRC}/*" )			foreach( _PATH IN ITEMS ${_PATHS} )				string( REPLACE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_SRC}/" "" _PATH "${_PATH}" )				if( NOT "${_PATH}" MATCHES "${SVN_FOLDER_PATTERN}" )					list( APPEND _TEMPLATES "${_SRC}/${_PATH}" "${_DST}/${_PATH}" )				endif()			endforeach()		else()			file( APPEND "${INSTALL_TEMPLATES_FILE}" "INSTALL_TEMPLATE( "${_SRC}" "${_DST}" )n" )		endif()	endwhile()	install( SCRIPT "${INSTALL_TEMPLATES_FILE}"		COMPONENT Runtime_templates )endif( INSTALL_COMPONENT_RUNTIME )## sources#set( TARGET_LIST  CACHE INTERNAL "" )add_subdirectory( 3rdparty )add_subdirectory( src )###################################################################### final checks and warnings#if( CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8 )	message( WARNING "64bit should work, but is not recommended." )elseif( NOT CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4 )	message( FATAL_ERROR "unexpected architecture (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P is ${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P})" )endif()list( LENGTH  TARGET_LIST  _LEN )if( _LEN EQUAL 0 )	message( FATAL_ERROR "no targets available" )endif()message( STATUS "Available targets:" )foreach( _TARGET IN ITEMS ${TARGET_LIST} )	message( STATUS "t${_TARGET}" )endforeach()

my cmake list

In Topic: Harmony Patch 3.3.12 30 MAI

05 November 2014 - 07:54 AM

Add in CMakeLists.txt

how about this i don't have any problem from the first this is the new problem


Posted Image

In Topic: Harmony Patch 3.3.12 30 MAI

05 November 2014 - 05:30 AM


You have to include the files of harmony in the Makefile, otherwise the emulator does not compile.



in src/common/Makefile.in



console.o core.o malloc.o socket.o)

replace to:

console.o core.o malloc.o socket.o harmonycore.o)


in src/map/Makefil.in




clif.c date.c duel.c elemental.c guild.c homunculus.c HPMmap.c 

replace to:

clif.c date.c duel.c elemental.c guild.c harmony.c homunculus.c HPMmap.c 

and search:

clif.h date.h duel.h elemental.h guild.h homunculus.h HPMmap.h  

replace to:

clif.h date.h duel.h elemental.h guild.h harmony.h homunculus.h HPMmap.h 

in linux terminal you have to dicionar the dos2unix command on these files.


Sample (in root folder):

dos2unix src/common/Makefile

dos2unix src/map/Makefile


i'm using rathena sir this are my makefile.in


COMMON_H = $(shell ls ../common/*.h)COMMON_AR = ../common/obj/common.aCOMMON_INCLUDE = -I../common/MT19937AR_OBJ = ../../3rdparty/mt19937ar/mt19937ar.oMT19937AR_H = ../../3rdparty/mt19937ar/mt19937ar.hMT19937AR_INCLUDE = -I../../3rdparty/mt19937arLIBCONFIG_H = $(shell ls ../../3rdparty/libconfig/*.h)LIBCONFIG_AR = ../../3rdparty/libconfig/obj/libconfig.aLIBCONFIG_INCLUDE = -I../../3rdparty/libconfigMAP_OBJ = $(shell ls *.c | sed -e "s/.c/.o/g")MAP_DIR_OBJ = $(MAP_OBJ:%=obj/%)MAP_H = $(shell ls ../map/*.h) 	$(shell ls ../config/*.h) HAVE_MYSQL=@HAVE_MYSQL@ifeq ($(HAVE_MYSQL),yes)	SERVER_DEPENDS=map-serverelse	SERVER_DEPENDS=needs_mysqlendifALL_DEPENDS=serverHAVE_PCRE=@HAVE_PCRE@ifeq ($(HAVE_PCRE),yes)	PCRE_CFLAGS=-DPCRE_SUPPORT @PCRE_CFLAGS@else	PCRE_CFLAGS=endif@SET_MAKE@#####################################################################.PHONY : all server clean helpall: $(ALL_DEPENDS)server: $(SERVER_DEPENDS)clean:	@echo "	CLEAN	map"	@rm -rf *.o obj ../../@OMAP@@EXEEXT@help:	@echo "possible targets are 'server' 'all' 'clean' 'help'"	@echo "'server' - map server"	@echo "'all'    - builds all above targets"	@echo "'clean'  - cleans builds and objects"	@echo "'help'   - outputs this message"#####################################################################needs_mysql:	@echo "MySQL not found or disabled by the configure script"	@exit 1# object directoriesobj:	@echo "	MKDIR	obj"	@-mkdir obj# executablesmap-server: obj $(MAP_DIR_OBJ) $(COMMON_AR) $(LIBCONFIG_AR)	@echo "	LD	@OMAP@@EXEEXT@"	@@CC@ @LDFLAGS@ -o ../../@OMAP@@EXEEXT@ $(MAP_DIR_OBJ) $(COMMON_AR) $(MT19937AR_OBJ) $(LIBCONFIG_AR) @LIBS@ @PCRE_LIBS@ @MYSQL_LIBS@# map object filesobj/%.o: %.c $(MAP_H) $(COMMON_H)  $(MT19937AR_H) $(LIBCONFIG_H)	@echo "	CC	$<"	@@CC@ @CFLAGS@ $(COMMON_INCLUDE) $(MT19937AR_INCLUDE) $(LIBCONFIG_INCLUDE) $(PCRE_CFLAGS) @MYSQL_CFLAGS@ @CPPFLAGS@ -c $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<# missing object files$(COMMON_AR):	@$(MAKE) -C ../common server$(MT19937AR_OBJ):	@$(MAKE) -C ../../3rdparty/mt19937ar$(LIBCONFIG_AR):	@$(MAKE) -C ../../3rdparty/libconfig


common makefile.in

#COMMON_OBJ = $(ls *.c | grep -viw sql.c | sed -e "s/.c/.o/g")COMMON_OBJ = core.o socket.o timer.o db.o nullpo.o malloc.o showmsg.o strlib.o utils.o harmonycore.o 	grfio.o mapindex.o ers.o md5calc.o minicore.o minisocket.o minimalloc.o random.o des.o 	conf.o thread.o mutex.o raconf.o mempool.o msg_conf.o cli.o sql.oCOMMON_DIR_OBJ = $(COMMON_OBJ:%=obj/%)COMMON_H = harmony.h $(shell ls ../common/*.h)COMMON_AR = obj/common.aMT19937AR_OBJ = ../../3rdparty/mt19937ar/mt19937ar.oMT19937AR_H = ../../3rdparty/mt19937ar/mt19937ar.hMT19937AR_INCLUDE = -I../../3rdparty/mt19937arLIBCONFIG_H = $(shell ls ../../3rdparty/libconfig/*.h)LIBCONFIG_AR = ../../3rdparty/libconfig/obj/libconfig.aLIBCONFIG_INCLUDE = -I../../3rdparty/libconfigHAVE_MYSQL=@HAVE_MYSQL@ifeq ($(HAVE_MYSQL),yes)	SERVER_DEPENDS=commonelse	SERVER_DEPENDS=needs_mysqlendifALL_DEPENDS=server@SET_MAKE@#####################################################################.PHONY : all server clean helpall: $(ALL_DEPENDS)server: $(SERVER_DEPENDS)clean:	@echo "	CLEAN	common"	@rm -rf *.o objhelp:	@echo "possible targets are 'server' 'all' 'clean' 'help'"	@echo "'server' - builds object files used in servers"	@echo "'all'    - builds all above targets"	@echo "'clean'  - cleans builds and objects"	@echo "'help'   - outputs this message"#####################################################################needs_mysql:	@echo "MySQL not found or disabled by the configure script"	@exit 1obj:	@echo "	MKDIR	obj"	@-mkdir obj$(COMMON_AR): $(COMMON_DIR_OBJ)	@echo "	AR	$@"	@@AR@ rcs $(COMMON_AR) $(COMMON_DIR_OBJ)common: obj $(COMMON_DIR_OBJ) $(MT19937AR_OBJ) $(LIBCONFIG_AR) $(COMMON_AR)obj/%.o: %.c $(COMMON_H) $(MT19937AR_H) $(LIBCONFIG_H)	@echo "	CC	$<"	@@CC@ @CFLAGS@ $(MT19937AR_INCLUDE) $(LIBCONFIG_INCLUDE) @MYSQL_CFLAGS@ @CPPFLAGS@ -c $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<obj/mini%.o: %.c $(COMMON_H) $(MT19937AR_H) $(LIBCONFIG_H)	@echo "	CC	$<"	@@CC@ @CFLAGS@ $(MT19937AR_INCLUDE) $(LIBCONFIG_INCLUDE) @MYSQL_CFLAGS@ -DMINICORE @CPPFLAGS@ -c $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<# missing object files$(MT19937AR_OBJ):	@$(MAKE) -C ../../3rdparty/mt19937ar$(LIBCONFIG_AR):	@$(MAKE) -C ../../3rdparty/libconfig