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Member Since 26 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2017 03:07 PM

Topics I've Started

Curious Cutin Questions

05 December 2016 - 01:36 PM

So I was just curious. I have never tried this before and thought I had better ask before I make a fool of myself.


Is it possible to have a curtain change mid-conversation. 


Like uhh in the one message have him go from happy to sad to crying without needing to press enter

In my head something like



Ontimer cutin 2

ontimer cutin 3



Total Ragnarok Recruitment Drive!

29 September 2016 - 12:49 AM




Hi everyone, Haven/Jibberish here!
Total Ragnarok is in need of some GMs to join the team. Think you can help? Read on!
Our team is currently very small, so we are looking for people of all ranges of skills and backgrounds. Little experience to loads. Applicants will then be assessed and possibly be asked for an interview if our team thinks you are a worthy candidate. 
What to look forward to : 
We are a relatively new server that in the little time we have been around, jumped into the top 15 ranked server on ratemyserver! Thats an accomplishment if you ask me. We have two dedicated admins that are very skilled with all forms of editing. Recently we added a new and improved novice area, and starting October 1st, we start our Halloween month!
To apply, please copy the code below, fill it out and private message the your application to me on the forums. 
If you cannot answer a question, please say "N/A". For example, if you have no previous experience as a GM, please say N/A in that area and move on. 

Name : 
Gender : 
Age : 
How long have you played Ragnarok? : 
Why do you want to become a GM? : 
Previous GM Experience
How long have you been a GM on other servers for? : 
What was your reason for leaving? :
Role Specific
What areas do you have experience in? (Event/Support/Police/etc) : 
Do you have any examples of your work? (Scripting/Spriting/Mapping etc) : 
Currently we have no defined roles in our team, but if you were to focus on an area, what would it be? (Forum Mod/Support/Event/Developer/etc) :

[Showcase?] Halloween Prontera

27 September 2016 - 01:20 AM

I guess its a showcase. I am just posting to really get comments. What do you guys think type of thing. The first map edit I have done in a LONG time. 


Comments and advice are welcome (wanted lol). 


