Cron is a job sheduler, hence the name "cronjob". Every script you set to it will be its job to run on whatever the time is set to it.
A PHP script that cleans a log table in the database every 24 hours.
06 January 2015 - 10:37 PM
Cron is a job sheduler, hence the name "cronjob". Every script you set to it will be its job to run on whatever the time is set to it.
A PHP script that cleans a log table in the database every 24 hours.
06 January 2015 - 05:06 AM
If I may add something to this "looping" you guys are talking about. Do you all mean cronjobs? If it is, I don't see it being an "overkill" regardless of the time you want it to run. You can even set it to every minute.
> Create a PHP script that reads the table where the suggestions are stored.
> Add a flag field in that table where 0 = not sent and 1 = sent. Set the value for this field to 0 as default.
> PHP script will only select the records that are flagged as 0 and execute the mail function containing the data.
> When mail is executed, set the flag of each record to 1.
24 December 2014 - 06:51 AM
I want to bump the problem regarding custom font not working properly. I just downloaded the newest version of the patcher and tried to diffed a 2013-12-23 client. I applied the patch to support custom font (Arial), and it still uses the font that looks like Comic Sans MS in-game.
After trying to patch the said client on an older version of the patcher, the Arial font worked after selecting the option [Use Arial on langtype], which is not present on the newest version of the patcher.
24 December 2014 - 03:42 AM
Sorry for necroing this but did anyone get the chance to fix this issue by hexing or perhaps editing a lua file? The issue is still valid.
05 December 2014 - 08:44 PM
Show me some of your example works. Both engine scripting as well as src mods. You can private message me in this forum with links to your work.