Berry use triggers your custom status with the defined duration, the status ticks at intervals you defined. If you want an example, check SC_L_LIFEPOTION (Medium Life Potion, ID 12459) or any other similar status.
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#82585 Heal over Time
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 18 May 2017 - 07:08 PM
#82430 Monster Doesn't reflect
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 13 May 2017 - 12:17 PM
Remove that preserve change from the main block as well as the skill itself, and add it below that block, all by itself.
case ST_PRESERVE: if (sd && sd->[type]) clif->skill_nodamage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, status_change_end(bl, type, INVALID_TIMER)); else clif->skill_nodamage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, sc_start(src, bl, type, 100, skill_lv, skill->get_time(skill_id, skill_lv))); break;
#81805 area_size, max_walk_path and Snap
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 18 April 2017 - 05:12 AM
Limit the skill's cast range in skill_db.conf and skillinfolist.lub (clientside), as it's 18 cells by default. As for your other questions, there isn't any noticeable impact as far as I know.
#80851 sitting regen nerf(200% --> 150%)
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 01 March 2017 - 09:31 PM
Sitting doesn't increase the amount recovered, it speeds up the ticks.
Go to line 12729 of status.c (going by stock Hercules) and change that bonus++; to bonus += (int)(0.5f);
This will reduce the tick by x1.5 instead of x2 but due to rounding up, the ticks will happen every 5 seconds and not 4.5, which is just 1 seconds faster than the default 6 sec interval when not sitting in case of HP recovery. The blocks above with RGN_SHP/RGN_SSP deal with regeneration that's boosted by passive skills (MG_SRECOVERY, SM_RECOVERY, etc) and would need to be modified in a similar way, which can be done by halving the val.
#80078 When Dark Lord sprite is on my screen, blind effect centers around it
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 02 February 2017 - 01:10 PM
Open monster_size_effect.lub inside the system folder, search for the DL's ID (1272) and delete the line including it ( [1272] = { MonsterSize = 1, MonsterEff = EFFECT.EF_DEVIL5 }, ).
This file adds special visual effects and changes the sprite's size for some monsters, like champions.
#79690 Warp Hit Delay
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 15 January 2017 - 06:36 PM
This would be more useful if it triggered when the player does damage, not when the player gets damaged, or maybe both options could be present.
#78006 Changing Land Protector's size
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 09 November 2016 - 03:05 AM
skill_unit_db (or skill_db if you're using a fresh version), declare a size for every level above 5 you want.
#77435 Where are item scripts read and where are they defined?
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 15 October 2016 - 05:00 PM
Most of them are declared in pc.c (pc_bonus stuff, for the list of constants go to enum status_point_types in map.h) and then obviously executed in the correspondent parts of skill/status/battle/clif/etc. Of course don't forget to flag them in const.txt
#65857 random box with announce get item
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 14 November 2015 - 01:30 AM
Create a function script and make the item usage call it with callfunc.
function script Random_Box_Script { .@Rand = rand(1,3); switch(.@Rand) { case 1: getitem 1001,1; end; case 2: getitem 1002,1; end; case 3: getitem 1003,1; // The special item announce strcharinfo(0)+ " was lucky and obtained the special prize!",bc_map,0x00FF00; // Map announcement end; }}
{ Id: 1000 AegisName: "Random_Box" Name: "Random Box" Type: 18 Buy: 0 Weight: 0 Script: <" callfunc "Random_Box_Script"; ">},
#65552 *setmobdata & *getmobdata
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 08 November 2015 - 05:51 PM
Didn't rA have this already?
Seems more complete and people wanted it merged. I also dislike plugins myself.
#65298 Increase monster attack & skill damage rate on map
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 04 November 2015 - 12:34 AM
Monster's MATK is based mostly on their ATK2.
#define MOB_MATK1(mobdata)( ((mobdata)->lv + (mobdata)->status.int_) + (mobdata)->status.rhw.atk2 * 7 / 10 )#define MOB_MATK2(mobdata)( ((mobdata)->lv + (mobdata)->status.int_) + (mobdata)->status.rhw.atk2 * 13 / 10 )
#64958 Tree of Savior
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 29 October 2015 - 02:51 AM
Game's been pretty generic and boring so far, nothing like RO at all.
#61345 [WIP]ExtendedBG
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 10 August 2015 - 04:59 AM
It depends, for official modes the in-game queue offers more options, plus if I remember correctly it was made usable for one BG mode time ago but never finished completely.
Another thing that would be really good is having both party and random queue option and the random option to have "smart" randomization, creating parties based on jobs so stuff like 5 priests on the same team doesn't happen.
#55987 ¿Que hacer antes de iniciar un servidor?
Posted by Anisotropic Defixation on 03 May 2015 - 09:42 AM
Hype, esto es autoexplicativo, ha habido servers horrendos desde casi todos los puntos de vista pero aun asi consiguieron numeros altos. Este es probablemente el aspecto mas importante hoy en dia.
No olvideis que servers asi son muy rentables ya que no implican trabajo real y el comienzo es cuando mas dinero se genera de las "donaciones". Es rentable abrir y cerrar "servers" asi, cambiando del nombre y anunciando las mismas cosas que facilmente atraen a gente (vease abajo). Lo triste es que funciona a la perfeccion y en gran parte, gracias a esto muchos ni se imaginan que pueden haber servers estables y con staff dedicado, estan acostumbrados a servers "cash grab" que se cierran un par de meses despues de abrirse, asi que buscan rates altos y todo tipo de facilidades estupidas.
Los que mas sufren por culpa de esto son personas que realmente trabajan duro y desean crear y mantener buenos servers, su esfuerzo simplemente no es apreciado.
Facilidad, a mas facil, mas gente se atrae. A la mayoria no les importan lo mas minimo cosas como balance, longevidad, promover el aspecto social, etc, de hecho ni parecen entender conceptos asi. Esto tambien incluye el NO arreglar bugs y exploits viejos ni bloquear programas third party. Muchos estan tan acostumbrados a todo esto que ya ni son capaces de jugar normalmente. Esto lleva a...
Customs, estos solo son bien recibidos si existen para facilitar las cosas. Quereis balancear algunas cosas y crear nuevos retos? Mala idea. Hay que mencionar que la gente tambien esta muy acostumbrada a databases anticuadas (esto se aplica sobre todo a servers renewal ya que las databases no han sido actualizadas por mucho tiempo) y scripts que permiten exploits asi que updatear y arreglar cosas asi a versiones mas recientes/funcionales a menudo es recibido como algo "custom".
Respecto a WoE/BGs/PvP, el mismo aspecto de la facilidad se aplica aqui. La mayoria quiere gear de BGs sin esfuerzo, supplies para WoE gratis, etc. Mientras esta parte de la poblacion a menudo es un porcentaje alto, es tambien el grupo mas volatil y el que menos contribuye a la comunidad ya que tienden a cambiar servers como calcetines y se van al instante de que algo no esta a su favor. Tampoco suelen tener mucha presencia ya que solo entran a hacer WoE.
Esto lleva al dilema, hay que acomodar las cosas a este grupo, inevitablemente dañando la economia y otros aspectos del juego o darles lo justo, sin doblarse bajo sus demandas?
Por cierto, me ha quedado bien claro que casi nadie quiere hacer BGs por el PvP en si, solo quieren su gear/supplies, del modo mas facil posible, asi que nunca pararan de exigir que se haga mas y mas y mas facil.
En general, hoy en dia hay poco interes en RO y no muchos quieren jugar "en serio". Supongo que es un problema global de esta generacion, causado en gran parte por la baja calidad y absurda facilidad de juegos modernos, que emplean mecanicas muy simples para mantener a gente enganchada haciendo tonterias en vez de ofrecer una experiencia memorable.
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