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Member Since 15 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 03 2015 07:55 PM

Topics I've Started

[HELP] Custom skill that only work if an effect is active

26 June 2015 - 06:56 AM

I'm trying to make a skill only be performed or take damage when the target is petrified (SC_STONE), but I can not solve.

I used the example of SC_WHITEIMPRISON:



and I did my, but it does not work fot.



Is there some function that checks whether the player is with some active status?

Style the getStatus, however for the enemy.


20 June 2015 - 05:14 AM

Is there any function in src that I can use in a skill to check your id? Ex: When I give Targed in a mob the skill will verify that the mob that used the skill and the determined ex:

If (checker == IDMOB) performs the function {} else {} runs

Remove animation

17 June 2015 - 06:25 AM

Posted Image
I'm trying to remove the animation "slotmachine" that appears when trying to capture a pet. I was in the file "pet.c" but found nothing to remove this animation.
Does anyone know how to remove or and other file?
because not found any animation called the same in pet.ce or other files.

Skill Edition

12 June 2015 - 06:36 AM

I'm trying to customize the skill "theft" of the thief (TF_STEAL ID: 50) so she only run the "theft" if the check is positive.

For example:

Only steal the mob have such "item"

So steal if such a "mob"

So steal the mob is specified with both hp

I began trying to verify the mob and was thus put this warning an error.

case TF_STEAL:            if(sd) {            if(src->bl.id == 1002) {            if(pc->steal_item(sd,bl,skill_lv))               clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1);            else               clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL,0);            }            }


I tried that, but the wrong one "block_lista", saying as "bl" did not exist...


Does anyone know show me "function" right?

If you need to change the src I thought to modify the "killedrid" to receive the parameter when "attack" the mob rather than when he "died" but have little knowledge of src to do this is if someone can indicate.

Check "if" to mob and skill

11 June 2015 - 02:55 AM

What would be the "names" right to call for a check of a "mob" and if a "skill" is active:


Eg (these low are wrong, only one ex)



if (mob == 1003) {




if (== skill AL_INAGI) {





To run such a thing to such skill have to be active and the same and the mob.


I've tried several ways, mainly the skill that was up to "src_start"


But it still fails.