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Member Since 22 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2015 01:10 PM

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Ref.: Problema com mapas customs e conexão ao servidor.

22 December 2014 - 08:01 PM

Olá pessoal..


Eu estou com um probleminha, o meu servidor loga normal, mas assim que eu escolho o personagem ele dá erro com a mensagem de "server closed".

Verificando o char-server observei o seguinte erro:


[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 1: map "alb_ship" -> "baldur_fild"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 2: map "alb2trea" -> "baldur_fild"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 3: map "alberta" -> "baldur_in01"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 4: map "alberta_in" -> "bg_lune"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 5: map "alde_dun01" -> "intro_01"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 6: map "alde_dun02" -> "mall_lune"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 7: map "alde_dun03" -> "hun_vil"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 8: map "alde_dun04" -> "xp_fild01"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 9: map "aldeba_in" -> "xp_fild02"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 10: map "aldebaran" -> "xp_fild03"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 11: map "anthell01" -> "xp_fild04"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 12: map "anthell02" -> "xp_fild05"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 13: map "arena_room" -> "xp_fild06"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 14: map "c_tower1" -> "xp_fild07"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 15: map "c_tower2" -> "xp_fild08"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 16: map "c_tower3" -> "xp_fild09"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 17: map "c_tower4" -> "xp_fild10"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 18: map "force_1-1" -> "xp_fild11"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 19: map "force_1-2" -> "xp_fild12"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 20: map "force_1-3" -> "xp_fild13"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 21: map "force_2-1" -> "xp_fild14"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 22: map "force_2-2" -> "xp_fild15"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 23: map "force_2-3" -> "xp_fild16"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 24: map "force_3-1" -> "xp_fild17"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 25: map "force_3-2" -> "xp_fild18"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 26: map "force_3-3" -> "xp_fild19"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 27: map "gef_dun00" -> "xp_fild20"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 28: map "gef_dun01" -> "xp_gm"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 29: map "gef_dun02" -> "sky1"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 30: map "gef_dun03" -> "eden"[Warning]: (mapindex_add) Overriding index 31: map "gef_fild00" -> "tur_mine"


Ao que parece os mapas estão sendo sobrescritos e isso deve estar gerando algum erro.


O MapCache está atualizado com os mapas customs, no ../src/commom/mapindex.h eu adicionei para MAX_MAPINDEX 3000, tanto o [color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'courier new', courier, monospace;]/conf/maps.conf[/color][color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;] quanto o[/color][color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'courier new', courier, monospace;] /db/map_index.txt[/color][color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;] estão com os mapas customs, portanto, estou meio que sem saber o que mais pode estar acontecendo.[/color]


[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]Por fim, ao tentar logar, o erro no console é:[/color]


[Info]: request connect - account_id:2000000/login_id1:755620189/login_id2:51810237[Info]: Loading Char Data (2000000)[Info]: Char load request (150000)[Info]: storage load complete from DB - id: 2000000 (total: 0)[Info]: Loaded char (150000 - teste patch):  status memo inventory cart storage skills friends hotkeys mercenary[Info]: Selected char: (Account 2000000: 0 - teste patch)[Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "alberta" not found in index list![Info]: Connection Closed. No map server available that has a major city, and unable to find map-server for 'prontera'.



Alguma idéia ou sugestão de como resolver??


Muito Obrigada.


22 December 2014 - 02:51 PM

Hello all..


Whoa, long time I don't mess with servers.. ^_^

Actually last time was in 2011!! XD


So, I'm trying to restart an old server and now theres Hercules and stuff, and I got a lot lost, so, to start with, I'm trying to use the Hercules and use my onld DATA, point is, I'm trying to add the old maps I had (customs) and in eA, I used to set MAX_MAPINDEX to 2500 in ../src/commom/mapindex.h, however, even doing it, I'm getting the problem, so I've set that to 3000, and still the error remains, when I try to login the server, the client return the message saying that the server is closed, with is not true, and the console give me the follow:


[Info]: request connect - account_id:2000000/login_id1:755620189/login_id2:51810237[Info]: Loading Char Data (2000000)[Info]: Char load request (150000)[Info]: storage load complete from DB - id: 2000000 (total: 0)[Info]: Loaded char (150000 - teste patch):  status memo inventory cart storage skills friends hotkeys mercenary[Info]: Selected char: (Account 2000000: 0 - teste patch)[Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "alberta" not found in index list![Info]: Connection Closed. No map server available that has a major city, and unable to find map-server for 'prontera'.

Point is, in the MapCache AND in the mapindex.h theres Alberta as it has Prontera..


Here is the mapindex.h:


// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.// See the LICENSE file// Portions Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams#ifndef COMMON_MAPINDEX_H#define COMMON_MAPINDEX_H#include "../common/db.h"#include "../common/mmo.h"#define MAX_MAPINDEX 3000/* wohoo, someone look at all those |: map_default could (or *should*) be a char-server.conf */// When a map index search fails, return results from what map? default:prontera#define MAP_DEFAULT "prontera"#define MAP_DEFAULT_X 150#define MAP_DEFAULT_Y 150//Some definitions for the mayor city maps.#define MAP_PRONTERA "prontera"#define MAP_GEFFEN "geffen"#define MAP_MORROC "morocc"#define MAP_ALBERTA "alberta"#define MAP_PAYON "payon"#define MAP_IZLUDE "izlude"#define MAP_ALDEBARAN "aldebaran"#define MAP_LUTIE "xmas"#define MAP_COMODO "comodo"#define MAP_YUNO "yuno"#define MAP_AMATSU "amatsu"#define MAP_GONRYUN "gonryun"#define MAP_UMBALA "umbala"#define MAP_NIFLHEIM "niflheim"#define MAP_LOUYANG "louyang"#define MAP_JAWAII "jawaii"#define MAP_AYOTHAYA "ayothaya"#define MAP_EINBROCH "einbroch"#define MAP_LIGHTHALZEN "lighthalzen"#define MAP_EINBECH "einbech"#define MAP_HUGEL "hugel"#define MAP_RACHEL "rachel"#define MAP_VEINS "veins"#define MAP_JAIL "sec_pri"#define MAP_NOVICE "new_1-1"#define MAP_MOSCOVIA "moscovia"#define MAP_MIDCAMP "mid_camp"#define MAP_MANUK "manuk"#define MAP_SPLENDIDE "splendide"#define MAP_BRASILIS "brasilis"#define MAP_DICASTES "dicastes01"#define MAP_MORA "mora"#define MAP_DEWATA "dewata"#define MAP_MALANGDO "malangdo"#define MAP_MALAYA "malaya"#define MAP_ECLAGE "eclage"#define mapindex_id2name(n) mapindex->id2name((n),__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)#define mapindex_exists(n) ( mapindex->list[(n)].name[0] != '0' )/** * mapindex.c interface **/struct mapindex_interface {	char config_file[80];	/* mapname (str) -> index (int) */	DBMap *db;	/* number of entries in the index table */	int num;	/* default map name */	char *default_map;	/* default x on map */	int default_x;	/* default y on map */	int default_y;	/* index list -- since map server map count is *unlimited* this should be too */	struct {		char name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH];	} list[MAX_MAPINDEX];	/* */	int (*init) (void);	void (*final) (void);	/* */	int (*addmap) (int index, const char* name);	void (*removemap) (int index);	const char* (*getmapname) (const char* string, char* output);	/* TODO: server shouldn't be handling the extension, game client automatically adds .gat/.rsw/.whatever	 * and there are official map names taking advantage of it that we cant support due to the .gat room being saved */	const char* (*getmapname_ext) (const char* string, char* output);	/* TODO: Hello World! make up your mind, this thing is int on some places and unsigned short on others */	unsigned short (*name2id) (const char*);	const char* (*id2name) (unsigned short,const char *file, int line, const char *func);	bool (*check_default) (void);};struct mapindex_interface *mapindex;void mapindex_defaults(void);#endif /* COMMON_MAPINDEX_H */


So, now.. I have no clue, if I'm missing something or if theres anything new that I lost in the process..

Any clue will be welcome..


Thank you!!