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Member Since 25 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 10 2015 04:04 AM

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In Topic: Client can't connect to my server

25 December 2014 - 06:02 AM

I have the same exact problem. I've been trying to fix this for over 2 days now but no hope... the client connection keeps getting closed. This issue exists both in rAthena as well as Hercules. I'm using 2013-08-07aRagexe+Full+Client.rar which I got from http://www.mediafire...cc7w/ready_made and extracted it to a fully updated kRO client which I got from http://www.nickyzai.com/?p=kro. Opened it via the grf tool, extracted clientinfo.xml and added my server details and repacked it.

The server compiled successfully, I changed the mmo.h file to the client PACKET_VER and ran the server. It ran successfully and when I used my client to connect using a username (with user ID 2000000) it went into the server showed (0) online, and then a failed to disconnect message. On the server side it showed [Info]: Closed connection from 'MY_PUBLIC_IP'. Any ideas on how I can fix this guys?

Update #1 (27 December 2014): I've located the problem is in src/login/login.c at line #1605. Apparently, the session[fd]->flag.eof is 0 for some reason. Need to identify why its so! This still isn't solved thou. If anybody knows how to fix it, kindly reply

Update #2 (31 December 2014): My host amazon required me to create an Elastic IP and use the public IP/private IP of that rather than the IP which I used to login via putty/ssh. I have resolved the issues. Thanks