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Member Since 15 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2016 04:25 PM

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In Topic: How to encrypt my custom iteminfo.lub?

19 November 2016 - 04:27 PM



Hi I haven't tried it yet, I'm using the same client.

I thought that method is applicable in all types of client.

In Topic: How to encrypt my custom iteminfo.lub?

17 November 2016 - 07:01 PM

How about using this method


Unidentified items goes to

eventnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt ,
eventnum2itemdesctable.txt ,


Identified items:


eventidnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt ,
eventidnum2itemdesctable.txt ,


then simply encrypt the custom data.grf

In Topic: I followed the instructions adding custom mobs still error?

26 October 2016 - 10:56 PM

Could be sprite error, because after logging in, the error occurs. 


Prior logging in, I tried to spawn the custom monster then suddenly my client logged off automatically. 

In Topic: hi..need some help in the costume headgear

15 October 2016 - 08:55 AM

Copying the database doesn't mean the sprites will show as well.
You need to take them from it's source file.

Make sure that your preferred renewal item is in your custom grf and they should be all present in their respective folders.
Please read this to further resolve your problem: https://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items

In Topic: Where are item scripts read and where are they defined?

15 October 2016 - 08:46 AM

What bonuses? You mean a list or database that gives effect to the items?

Or this one? :https://github.com/H.../item_bonus.txt