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Member Since 18 Jan 2015
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In Topic: Hercules Battlegrounds

28 May 2017 - 04:42 PM

Well I'm starting to understand this bg error of moving only 1 team, when the battle starts only the blue team is sent to the room and the red team stays

in the city, then if one of the members of the blue team der @go 0 e Give @joinbg again everyone from the red team is moved, someone would know what this could be?

A temporary solution for this is replace:

hBG_queue2teams .BG_Queue,.BG_Players_Min[$BG_Index],.BG_Players_Max[$BG_Index],.TeamBuildingMode,$@BG_Team1,$@BG_Team2; 



hBG_balance_teams .BG_Queue,.BG_Players_Max[$BG_Index],.TeamBuildingMode,$@BG_Team1,$@BG_Team2;

In hBG/bg_common.txt

In Topic: Hercules Battlegrounds

15 May 2017 - 06:12 PM


Hmmm, i don't understand what are you said about Guild Emblem, but non of them are admin

I was referring to this image:


Some fixes and additions in PR:



You can try these changes here, until Smoke approve and merge this.

Report any errors, note that I'm beginner compared to Smoke.

In Topic: How to convert to a plugin?

15 May 2017 - 02:26 AM

Happy can convert Source mod to Plugin.


Check his paid services here.

In Topic: Hercules Battlegrounds

14 May 2017 - 07:50 PM



1. After player left from running battleground (tested on Team Deathmatch, not other BG modes)




2. After one side players left BG (TeamDeath Match) easy to fix, but need to add pull request and i think this feature is only for Teamdeath match mode other BG mode does not end when one side players left.




3. Rush mode still has this debug error.




4. BG only show emblem on opposite team members, it should be like Image which Smoke provided (using 2013-08-07 client)




5. There is no delay for emergency call, it can be spam instantly.


1.- This has been fixed in latest commit.

2.- This is related to the .@Rate variable of rewards, see OnValidateScore label.

3.- in hBG_warp "RespawnPoint" map is equal to 0, so console take this as error.

4.- That screenshot was captured for a hide Admin, he wasn't in any BG Team.

5.- GD skills delay is fixed in this Pull Request, waiting for Smoke check and merge this.

In Topic: Hercules Battlegrounds

13 May 2017 - 09:24 PM

About emblem above characters, I tried change Flags in clif_maptypeproperty2 and this is what I got:




I honestly don't know how to remove swords icon.


Maybe Smoke or Dastgir can solved this.