Well I'm starting to understand this bg error of moving only 1 team, when the battle starts only the blue team is sent to the room and the red team stays
in the city, then if one of the members of the blue team der @go 0 e Give @joinbg again everyone from the red team is moved, someone would know what this could be?
A temporary solution for this is replace:
hBG_queue2teams .BG_Queue,.BG_Players_Min[$BG_Index],.BG_Players_Max[$BG_Index],.TeamBuildingMode,$@BG_Team1,$@BG_Team2;
hBG_balance_teams .BG_Queue,.BG_Players_Max[$BG_Index],.TeamBuildingMode,$@BG_Team1,$@BG_Team2;
In hBG/bg_common.txt