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Member Since 03 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2017 05:54 AM

#51687 [Showcase] Slotmachine Cutin

Posted by grobyczen on 26 February 2015 - 01:59 AM

Hi everyone,


I'm working on a Slot Machine cutin, kind of based on the official slotmachine sprite. Here's what I've got so far:

Posted Image

What do you guys think? Does it look good?

I'll take any sugestions.



Version 0.1 corrected:
- made the watermarks less intrusive.
Posted Image


alternative version 0.1a:

- tried to make it more sober on the lighting.

- used less colors on the JACKPOT.

Posted Image

So, what do you think. Which one looks better?

#51595 Teleport Crystals and moving Slots

Posted by grobyczen on 25 February 2015 - 01:12 AM


File Name: Teleport Crystals and moving Slots
File Submitter: grobyczen
File Submitted: 25 Feb 2015
File Category: Sprites & Palettes

Hi, after ~a year and a half of learning from this wonderfull community I'm finally able to contribute something I'm kind of proud of.

I want to share some sprites I'm using for a private server. This is my first contribution to this community, and also my first attempt at spriting and acting. First thing is a mod of the official slot machine sprite, only this one is animated with a move of the lever. (Maybe later I will animate the reels, when I have some free time).

Posted Image

Next is a couple of sprites I use as part of custom teleport system. I'm not so sure of my scripting abilities, so I decided to share only the sprites and not the full teleport system. The blue sprite is a Town Crystal that teleports you to other crystal you've visited in Towns and Dungeons. The sprite and act contain the front and back views (I only showed the front here). The signs on the central piece of the crystal are suposed to mean this is ancient technology. On the left I show the "inactivated" Crystal, on theright I show the "activated" version. Each one has it's own spr and act files.

Posted ImagePosted Image

Finally, the Dungeon Crystal that teleports you only from dungeons to Towns. This one isn't animated because I wanted to show it as less 'powerful' than the Town counterpart, think of the Town Crystal as the real power source, and the Dungeon Crystal as only a raw relay. The ouroborous symbol is supposed to make you think of the cyclic nature of the teleport system. The other small sign in the back of the crystal is just a symbol to reflect a supposed ancient origin of the crystal. There's also a less shinny version which reresent the inactivated crystal (not shown here).

Posted Image  :::  Posted Image

Anyway, about the sources: I honestly don't remember exactly from what game I got the source images, all I know is I got the sprite sheet from The Spriters Resource.

So that's all. I hope you like this and find it useful. Nothing would make me happier than contributing back to this wonderfull community.

C'you all soon.

PS. Any constructive criticism is wellcome, I'm still learning the basics of spriting, so any technique, tool, or style recomendations will be very helpfull, more so if they come with examples.

Click here to download this file

#50488 [Duda] Hacer que un NPC muestre caracteres castellanos.

Posted by grobyczen on 09 February 2015 - 09:25 PM

Cuando creo un NPC y utilizo el comando 'mes', el ciiente no acepta el uso de acentos, cuando activo dicho NPC me muestra un caracter extraño en vez del caracter acentuado.



En el Script:


prontera,91,83,3 script No_Hablo_Español    563,{


mes "¡¡Qué impresión!!, No hablo español!!";






Y en el cliente me muestra:

Posted Image



Mi pregunta es, ¿hay alguna forma de hacer que el cliente muestre los caracteres correctos en español (acentos y demás)?


Gracias por adelantado.





Después de buscar un poco, la solución era sencilla. Utilizando la información de la wiki:


fui al Clientinfo.xml y configure los siguiente:




y más abajo




Y listo.