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Member Since 04 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2016 02:14 PM

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In Topic: Identify .str or .tga filenames of some effect/skill.

06 February 2015 - 08:30 PM

There's a trick to identify these... thanks Olrox ;)! Anyhow, many of them are hard coded in the client.
15    Soul Strike pok1.tga pok3.tga ring_blue.tga lens1.tga lens2.tga
17 Magnum Break ring_yellow.tga ´ëÆø¹ß.tga
27 Frost Diver (Traveling to Target) ice.tga pok1.tga pok3.tga smoke.tga
28 Frost Diver (Hitting) pok1.tga pok3.tga smoke.tga
226 Grand Cross Effect alpha_center.tga ring_white.tga ring_yellow.tga
252 Reflect Shield ring_yellow.tga
312 Heal Effect ring_white.tga pok1.tga pok3.tga
336 Kyrie Eleison/Parrying Shield kyrie.str
409 Meteor Assault purpleslash.tga
Edit : You can view the resources of STR files using GRF Editor, ex :
Posted Image

Thank you so much!!! Beyond perfection!

In Topic: Identify .str or .tga filenames of some effect/skill.

06 February 2015 - 03:36 PM

Some skills animations are hardcoded and cannot be edited (like Acid Demonstration or Asura Strike). To edit those contained in grf files, you may want to take a look to this topic: RagEffect Client Plug-In.
Use Ai4rei's amazing RagEffect plugin to found and change most of the animation effects. It works great to improve /mineffect command.

I will give it a try right now!!!
Thanks so much. :D

In Topic: Identify .str or .tga filenames of some effect/skill.

04 February 2015 - 08:40 PM

Desperado found.
It's an .act/.spr animation located in the folder
Any help about the missing ones?

EDIT: Which data folders I should check? Any minimal effect GRF with this skills edited is avaible? Thanks again.