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Member Since 06 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active May 07 2017 10:25 AM

Topics I've Started

PC Repair Site, Groups?

03 March 2015 - 08:40 AM

Good day people,


I know this is so Off topic here in Hercules.. but I'm in need of help.


I'm just having a problem with this PC and I tried to google, asked & posted on fb (groups, news feed etc.) for solution.


I reformatted my Laptop via USB flash drive and it was Successful but with the PC.. after I install Windows 7 OS it restarts to have its Final Setup Configuration now here comes Windows 7 loading screen but after that it should be the Set-up Config. but instead I have this "Blue Screen Error".


kindly please see attached file.


Attached File  Blue_Screen_Error.png   367.14K   11 downloads



I did these things.

- BIOS Restored to Default Set-up

- Removed / Cleaned and re-attached PC RAM's

- Hard Disks Detected

- Tried to "Safe Mode" but it says it Cannot Continue its Installation process if it's in Safe Mode.

- Tried to "Start Windows Normally" but got the same error.


Hoping you guys can share your thoughts, websites etc.? because maybe you have encountered this before?

So much Thanks!  :meow:


02 March 2015 - 06:14 AM

Hi there.. I'm just curious.


Is it Possible that even when I close the char/login/map-server's windows batch files.. for example the damaged received or status freeze/stun/etc. of Monsters especially MVP's will be saved?


like when left your char in a certain map and close everything.. but still you'll find your char where you left it when you load everything again.



btw thank you for checking out this topic.



02 March 2015 - 02:44 AM

Good day all..


just a quick question..  these lines of inter-server.conf "use_sql_mob_db & use_sql_mob_skill_db"  what does it do?


// == SQL item, mob, mob skill databases// =====================================// Note: the following databases may get out of date at times, or not be// thoroughly tested (if at all, since they're auto-generated). As such it is// not advisable to rely on them other than for informative reasons (Control// Panels, websites, etc.)// Unless you know what you're doing, please consider using their txt version.// Note2: It is perfectly legit (and recommended) to use txt databases in// Hercules, while still loading the SQL tables we provide to be used// exclusively by your Control Panel or Website.// Use SQL for item_db? (not recommended)use_sql_item_db: no// Use SQL for mob_db? (not recommended)use_sql_mob_db: no                                /* If yes? what does it do? */								 // Use SQL for mob_skill_db? (not recommended)use_sql_mob_skill_db: no                         /* if yes? what does it do? */						import: conf/import/inter_conf.txt


Skill "Stay Duration"

25 February 2015 - 04:10 AM

Hi there..


I just want to adjust the Skill Storm Gust "Stay Duration: 4.6 sec" to be the same with its "Effect Duration: 12 sec".

It's just bumping in a storm gust effect duration not seeing it is somewhat uneven.


Attached File  storm gust.jpg   53.95K   10 downloads

Stay Duration 4.6 sec

//Effect Duration 12 sec


Hoping that you help me please...

Thank you and thanks for checking out this topic!

Fire Wall Skill

14 February 2015 - 12:19 PM

Hello there..  :)


I find that RO has implement too many Skills but some of it is getting less it's importance in game.

so I just want to make some boost of some skills.

one of it is how do I widen the Skill Fire Wall?


Let say from default 3 x 2 Cells to 6 x 2 Cells?

I've read the wiki for quite some time now regarding Skills modifications..

and I believe its in Skill.c but I don't want to risk.


Hoping for your assistance.   :meow: