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Member Since 12 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 29 2016 07:44 AM

Topics I've Started

Auction House Fee Bug?

01 October 2015 - 04:34 AM



I tried changing the auction system fee per hour from the default 12000 to 600 by changing this in misc.conf:

// Auction system, fee per hour. Default is 12000auction_feeperhour: 600

But nothing seemed to be changing in game. I've both rebooted and recompiled the server. Is there a step I'm missing or is this just a bug?

Remove skill via script?

30 September 2015 - 01:30 AM

Hi guys,


I'm doing a quest where players would be able to learn steal on a particular map. But I'm having problem removing them, not sure what the command is.


I've added the skill to the players (if they don't already have 'Steal') using:


skill 1001,1,0;


The question is, how do I remove them?


EDIT: Actually the code above to give players skill doesn't seem to work (no errors).

Sending Mail via Script?

29 September 2015 - 12:07 AM

Hi there,


Does anyone know how to or has a template for me to send mail to players using NPC script?


Thanks in advance.

Skill description

23 September 2015 - 03:07 AM

Hi guys,


I just came back to RO in a long while. I can't seem to find where the skill description is located. Where should I edit the skill description?


Thanks in advance,


Saving Mob ID for Daily/Weekly Quest

23 September 2015 - 02:30 AM

Hi all,


I have an event where players have to hunt a range of different mobs. Players will be rewarded with zeny for killing the mob the first time. Nothing will happen the following time he/she kills the mob if he already killed it in the last 6 days. After 7 days, the player can claim the reward again by killing the same mob(s).


Instead of having a ton of variable storing for each mobs, is there a better way of storing and using this information?


