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Member Since 21 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 03 2018 03:38 AM

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In Topic: Effect for a time

22 July 2016 - 02:50 AM

I want resistance to freeze effect, not to damage.

Petrification, silence, curse, stun...

If it helps someone with the same problem ...
I decided to add the "SC_ITEMSCRIPT" as this commit:


Now I can enter the command on my item:
sc_start SC_ITEMSCRIPT, 60000, 4105;

Executes the effect of Marc card during the time I set.

In Topic: Problem with No-IP

06 July 2016 - 04:05 AM

Why in char_conf, there's ip? But in map_conf, there's no-ip domain?
Shouldn't they be same(considering you are hosting under same machine)

In fact they are the same IP's, but map_conf is with the NO-IP domain to test.
Should succeed in this configuration because they are the same IP's.
NO-IP translates my IP WAN to NO-IP domain.
It's all hosted on the same machine.
Should work out with both my IP WAN map_conf and char_conf, as my NO-IP map_conf and char_conf.

But ... when I insert the NO-IP domain, it does not work.
only works with IP WAN ....

I need the NO-IP domain because my IP WAN is not fixed.
Imagine I have to change my IP in all the time he files that change ...

In Topic: Problem with No-IP

05 July 2016 - 03:56 PM


char_ip: myroserver.biz


map_ip: myroserver.biz


Try this

I've tried without success

I did another test.


char_ip: public ip wan


map_ip: myroserver.biz//my public ip


In this way the screen appears to select character.
But then, after choosing the character before you see the map, I am disconnected.

It's look like you have a DNS resolution problem, trying to open port 53 UDP(DNS) in your router.

If didn't work try to open port 53 TCP too.


You can make a DMZ to your computer too.

I tried this, I did DMZ and not solved the problem.
I do not know if it's DNS, because in clientinfo.xml is my NO-IP and is showing my server to connect.

In Topic: Problem with No-IP

01 July 2016 - 09:09 PM

char_ip: myroserver.biz


map_ip: myroserver.biz


Try this

I've tried without success

I did another test.


char_ip: public ip wan


map_ip: myroserver.biz//my public ip


In this way the screen appears to select character.
But then, after choosing the character before you see the map, I am disconnected.

In Topic: Problem with No-IP

01 July 2016 - 04:16 PM




Not your e-mail, NO-IP let you use DDNS in your PC, for this, you need login into your NO-IP account creat a name, e.g: myroserver.biz.


After this, enter in NO-IP aplication on your PC, select the host in this example: myroserver.biz, and everyone who try acess myroserver.biz will be redirect yo your PC.


In client side part switch the IP to DDNS name(myroserver.biz) and try to connect.


3 Important things:

1-)Open your router/firewall/Windows ports, make a rule to everybody who try to acess your WAN IP in ragnarok ports be redirect to your PC.


2-)Make sure your internet provider doens't block reverse IP connections, when this is blocked you acess your PC by the Internet IP, in my contry have a company which provider of internet that block this.


3-)You've said 2 IPs ? You have a loadbalancer ?

Regarding the firewall and ports, it's all right, as I said before with my WAN IP inserted in char.conf and map.conf files I can connect normally, only when I use my NO-IP that is not connecting (myroserver.biz) the two ip's that said are the two places that I insert my public IP in char.conf and map.conf files.
The application of NO-IP is properly installed and I am logged in to my account.
My NO-IP is working, I can answer when PING using any PC the internet.
But when I insert my NO-IP (myroserver.biz) in char.conf and map.conf files, I can not connect to my server.

Can you try another name ?

Yes, same problem ...
The strange thing is that the login server it connects, if I mistake the password message appears incorrect password.
But when I enter the correct password it fails to connect to char server.

Mind showing the configuration files (char-server.conf and map-server.conf)

Are the standard files.
I am using the import folder.

login_ip: LAN
char_ip: myroserver.biz//my public ip

char_ip: LAN
map_ip: myroserver.biz//my public ip