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Member Since 28 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2015 04:40 AM

Topics I've Started

Some Headgear gives me Sprite Errors T.T HELP

18 April 2015 - 03:24 AM

Some Headgear gives me Sprite Errors T.T HELP

Headgears like LBH, GPIPE, etc, gives me sprite errors this headgears have dupplicates that work well. what happens is that even if headgears are equiped it doesnt show on players heads(as if there is no sprite) and also client crashes when alt q window is open. I would appreciate any help or ideas how to fix this.

Weapon Attack Damage adds to + instead of base?

18 April 2015 - 03:20 AM

What i mean is the when a weapon is equiped that it adds its attack on the 236 + 17 (17 being knife attack damage)

Is it supposed to be added there and not on the base? 236 + 17??

"LaunchZC_SKILL_USE" error help

02 March 2015 - 09:59 AM

Hi guys, (me again sorry real noob here)

ive gotten issue using most skills that would show "LaunchZC_SKILL_USE" after a skill has been used


im using kro, 2013-08-07

can anyone provide any english working pallets

01 March 2015 - 02:08 AM


I've encountered errors on character creation with the hair color this error can also be triggered by the npc Stylist. i have found out that my palettes where not in the proper folder within my grf. after i have fix that issue, the next problem is having a broken palette on characters created/change color both head and body. I was wondering if it is an issue with the palettes so i would want to try if anyone could help.


Players get stuck after healer

01 March 2015 - 01:37 AM



Im new to this scripting and i seem to get problems on healer making my players stuck, but it only happens if a player talks to other npcs and clicks the "cancel" button. Anybody else have the same issue? or anyone could help me with this?


also if you try to to talk to healer/or any other npc it has this "Work that was in process(NPC Dialog, Manufacturing...) shut down and try again."


i would appreciate any help