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Member Since 23 May 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2017 05:39 PM

Topics I've Started

Dynamic Switch Statement with choices

17 September 2015 - 04:10 PM

Hi there!


Would like to know if this is possible?


for example,


i have these quest ID, let's say 1000,2000,3000 as my quest ID.


Firstly, upon talking to the NPC,


the npc would provide the choices for him to go through


switch(select("accept quest 1000:cancel")){  case 1:setquest 1000;break; case 2:mes "ok";close;}


however, upon finishing the quest for 1000, the option of 2000 instead would appear now.


switch(select("accept quest 1000:accept quest 2000:cancel)){


case 1:setquest 1000;break; case 2:setquest 2000;break case 3:mes "ok";close;}

Would like to know if this is possible?


I understand there is a alternative where i can set if(questprogress(1000) == 2 && questprogress(2000) == 2)) to appear and make this happen, however, this would if it's sequenced, the scenario would now be if what happens if he finished 1000, and 3000 instead. thus this logic may not be applicable anymore unless it's manually coded for another 1000 && 3000 checking. Would like to know if there are any methods that can be done to check which quest he has done and the case would go accordingly to what he has done.


Would appreciate if anyone could provide their advice on this. Thank you.

Browedit 586 doesn't work on windows 8.1?

16 September 2015 - 03:37 PM

Hi there!


Would like to confirm if anyone is using browedit 586 on windows 8.1?  I've used 620 without any problems at all, however i do have the issue of having the dark spots which i believe could be solved by using 586, unfortunately it crashes upon configuring the same way i did on 620.


things that i changed are only the directory and GRF files there. nothing else.


Anyone have any idea or any revisions i could use to remove those dark spots atm?


I've tried using compatibility view as well and it did not work.


my OS is currently windows 8.1 professional, 64 bit.


I'm not sure if hardware specs are required but i'll list it down as well


i7 4790

8gb RAM

GTX 760


Thank you.



edit 2:


it seems that it was my negligence that caused this. The issue i had was that i configured the rodesktop in the data folder. And the config file was reading ro.xml instead of rodesktop.xml therefore causing a mismatch in the program. for anyone who has this problem i hope it helps!

Sample Instancing

15 September 2015 - 02:23 PM

Hi there!


Would like to know if there are any easy sample instances that are available for hercules? Currently i'm venturing to know more about instancing however, those that in the wiki are either providing too little information plus checking the existing instances are quite complex (at least for me)


i do understand the basic logic of accepting quests, gathering quests etc etc, however seeing that i'm quite interested in doing more instancing, would there be any guide / samples that i could scan through?


Thank you in advance!






just to edit on what i've known so far,


adding the 1@maps on the client side

attaching the instance onto the player and perform checks if required

create npc on the original map then disabling them, using another command to enable them when in instance.


i did notice when i use 1@cata as an example, i find it strange that the monsters automatically appear, would anyone know why they appear upon entering as an instance instead of the map itself? i

Unable to use this particular item

29 December 2014 - 11:48 AM

Hi guys,


i've created a custom item, however, is it possible to not allow the user to open the Box unless he has completed one of the quest?


here's the item that i have so far.


{    Id: 20009    AegisName: "Shady_Gift_Box"    Name: "Mr.Shady's Gift Box"    Type: 0    Buy: 500    Sell: 50    Weight: 10    Script: <"            if(questprogress(81000) != 2){            dispbottom "You shall not pass";            end;            }            else {            getitem 20005,5;            }            ">},



it works on how i actually wish, the only problem is that the item goes missing instead, being able to reuse again.



19 December 2014 - 03:22 PM

Hi guys, I do have a request is that whether is it possible to have a script that does the following?


  • Disguise the player for a set amount of time.
  • Render the player to be ignored by all monsters
  • Render the player to be unable to attack / use skill on any monsters.

so far, i'm able to disguise the player using the disguise command, followed by ignored by all monsters using the @monsterignore from atcommand. But how can i mix and match all these 3 requirements? would be delighted if someone could help xD