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Member Since 04 May 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2015 09:02 PM

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npcskill always misses

11 June 2015 - 08:49 PM



I'm making an npc that casts skills on the player for the purposes of Reproduce/Plagiarism. The issue is that the NPC's skill always misses the player, so the attack doesn't connect. I've tried debuffing the player with sleep/freeze/stun to set flee to 0 but that still doesn't work. Can anyone help?


 //Reproduce NPC
prontera,155,181,5 script Reproducer 81,{
mes "Which skill you need me to cast on you ?";
set .@SkillID, select( implode( .SkillName$, ":" ) ) - 1;
mes "Selected "+ .SkillName$[ .@SkillID ];
sc_start SC_SLEEP,400,1;
npcskill .SkillID[ .@SkillID ],.SkillLv[ .@SkillID ],50,50;
if( .SkillID[ .@SkillID ] == 421 ) {
getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0;
movenpc strnpcinfo(0), .@x, .@y;
sleep 3000;
movenpc strnpcinfo(0),241,87;
setarray .SkillID,14,19,20,2006,2204,2213,2214,2022,263,2054,89,2002;
setarray .SkillLv,10,10,10,5,5,5,5,5,10,5,10,5;
setarray .SkillName$,"Cold Bolt","Fire Bolt","Lightning Bolt","Ignition Break","Jack Frost","Comet","Chain Lightning","Cross Impact","Triple Attack","Duple Light","Storm Gust","Sonic Wave";


Can't disable Renewal EXP/DROPs

07 May 2015 - 06:12 PM

I have set up my server but I can't disable Renewal EXP/Drop level penalties. I have commented out both lines in /src/config/renewal.h, recompiled the server many times, but when I type @mobinfo, it seems the exp and drop penalties are still in effect.


What am I doing wrong? Could it just be the case that @mobinfo is giving me a false reading?


Thanks in advance.