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Member Since 22 May 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 27 2017 01:25 AM

Issues I've Posted

    NPC_Earthquake - Wrong Type

    Posted 22 May 2015

    Following up http://herc.ws/board...possibly-wrong/

    In db/pre-re/skill_db.txt, this is what EQ is currently defined as:

    653,0,8,4,0,0x26,5:7:9:11:13:5:7:9:11:13,10,1,no,0,0x2002,0,weapon,0, NPC_EARTHQUAKE,Earthquake

    This is incredibly wrong to change EQ from magic to weapon. This makes EQ completely bypass-able with Safety Wall and Pneuma (depending on how close you are to the MVP).

    The fix in that previous skill bug did solve the low damage issue (because EQ should be based on ATK, not MATK), however, it created a bigger issue described above.

    In a nutshell, EQ is supposed to be:
    • Neutral Property
    • Long Ranged
    • MDEF Piercing
    • ATK-based magical damage

    Also, the 3-wave-hit damage is split among players in the AoE and it is re-calculated on each hit. Meaning if a person dies on the first hit, the damage increases for the rest of the players because 1 less factor when diving.

    Magic is the keyword because Golden thief bug card nullifies EQ.

    Thank you for your time.