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Member Since 09 Aug 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2016 05:56 PM

#68419 Semi-Official Instances Package v0.3

Posted by thor1009 on 05 January 2016 - 11:00 PM

Hi Hercules,


I decided to share all my instance scripts with the community to thank back.


I have spent mass of time to TRY TO write the official instance scripts.

However, they are "semi-official" because:

1. I only get information from youtube, so I cannot make sure everything is correct.

2. some of them are from jRO, which has its own custom things.





0. These scripts are NOT ready to use, you may need a lot of time to merge them into your servers. 


1. All the NPC talks are written in Chinese because I am opening a server for Chinese players. My plan is to slowly translate it back to English, but I might not have enough time to do this, so it is very welcome if you can help to translate it.


2. I have made some custom script commands for the scripts, I will provide a patch for these commands in this weekend.


3. Some mobs and skills are not implemented in the Hercules yet


4. You will find some of the scripts are really messy, I am sorry for that. I will slowly clean them up and update the package.


5. I will slowly update this package, but you can use it if you want, and any help to merge it into Hercules will be greatly appreciated.





1. If you can provide some replay or video or some detailed information for official instances, I can correct the non-official part in these scripts


2. If you can record npc talks in iRO, I can quickly replace the texts with the English ones.


3. If you can record npc talks in kRO, I can slowly translate them into English, as well as Chinese.




-------------------------------------------Update: 01/06/2016------------------------------------------------------------------

Old Glast Heim, hard mode



Texts in Old Glast Heim hard mode is replaced with Euphy's texts.

Copied Euphy's entrance part for entering the Old Glast Heim (Hard mode), here if some one could provide information about the official entrance part, I can re-write this part.

Skill Venom Fog is not implemented in Hercules yet, the patch is for this skill, but the behavior is not 100% official, more information is needed.

Special skills for the MVPs are also not 100% official, the detailed information about this part is difficult to get.

There should be an skill unit in this instance according to aegis, but I cannot find the proper one, so I assigned 2960 here, which is the same skill unit used in Devil tower (I named it Morroc Tower here).


To have it run, there are still some work to do:


1. The mob ids in OGH-HM are 3139 to 3152 and a skill unit (I used 2960), since my mobs are highly custom due to lack of info, I am not sharing these.

You can simply copy the OGH monsters to these id and make them stronger.


2. The map 1@gl_kh and 2@gl_kh is not in Hercules yet, you need add it to your maplist and run the map_cache for it.


I am going to translate Faceworm script in this weekend, since it is easy to find iRO video for that.

Attached Files

#68068 All in one Event Manager -> help me find all the event scripts !

Posted by thor1009 on 27 December 2015 - 11:09 PM



This one is pretty interesting, maybe you can consider it.

#67100 2015-05-13aRagexe Release

Posted by thor1009 on 08 December 2015 - 05:37 AM

How? Teach me XD


It is in map/packet_struct.h

search '0x997', then replace that part of code related to 'viewequipackType' with what I posted.

#67096 2015-05-13aRagexe Release

Posted by thor1009 on 08 December 2015 - 05:22 AM

We already have those? Except the last one


Yes, I guess it is the last one.

I put 0xa2d for the viewequip_ack packet as it is in rathena code, then the view equipment works well

#if PACKETVER >= 20150226	viewequipackType = 0xa2d,#elif PACKETVER >= 20120925	viewequipackType = 0x997,#elif PACKETVER >= 20101124	viewequipackType = 0x859,#else	viewequipackType = 0x2d7,#endif

#65591 New Improved 3RD JOB Sprites.

Posted by thor1009 on 10 November 2015 - 07:21 AM

The costume for Genetic is released, but I guess we can only replace the old ones?

Attached is the files for replacement.

When can we have the dress room system?


Attached Files

#62257 Bug on Elevation in WoE castle

Posted by thor1009 on 29 August 2015 - 04:20 AM

It will be better to report bugs on github issues.

For this particular problem, there is a feature in Hercules called "active path search", the mobs will target enemy that has a path to walk to.

So this bug is the side effect, you can turn off it by commenting


in "mob.h"