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Member Since 27 Aug 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 05 2017 03:36 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Special Character Problem

15 February 2017 - 04:34 AM

Try changing 


// Manage possible letters/symbol in the name of charater. Control character (0x00-0x1f) are never accepted. Possible values are:
            // NOTE: Applies to character, party and guild names.
            // 0: no restriction (default)
            // 1: only letters/symbols in 'name_letters' option.
            // 2: Letters/symbols in 'name_letters' option are forbidden. All others are possibles.
            name_option: 1

In Topic: disabled_items not working under map_zone_db.conf

10 February 2017 - 04:47 AM

Try using this: http://herc.ws/board...noitem-mapflag/


It works pretty for me, and easy to use.


27 January 2017 - 09:06 PM



There are multiple sections for example New, Popular, Equipment, etc.

You can add items with a ID or Item_Name (Aegis_Name)




cash_shop: (
    cat_0: { //New Tree
      >>>>Item ID  ID21344:25000 <<<< Cash Cost
And would remain like this:


cash_shop: (
    cat_0: { //New

In Topic: Attack Missed

11 July 2016 - 05:58 AM

Try using Incantation Samurai Card. If get hit. It means you are using RE Mobs on pre-re mob_db.txt

In Topic: [Ayuda] Sprite Accesorio

10 June 2016 - 12:25 AM

Creo que si se puede, pero deberás crear una carpeta con el nombre Accessory en Coreano para que te lo reconozca, esta guía es para mantas aunque puede servirte como un pie.

