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Member Since 06 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 23 2019 09:02 PM

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In Topic: [Sprites] Haziel's Graphics

06 July 2016 - 09:34 AM

What I Received: Recolours/Redesigns of existing items & Original Misc. items (no headgears or weapons).


At first, there was a long delay, caused by supposed internet outage. After two and a half weeks I finally received some sort of "I still exist" message.


○ The finished product is a 10/10. While I had to wait a long time, with no explanation, I am still happy.

○ Haziel has great interaction skills. I gave him a base to work from, and he was able to create interesting concepts seemingly off the top of his head.

○ Not taking into account finished products, his design skills are obviously above average. Literally minutes after giving my input/criticism, he was able to come up with something new - be it shading, lighting or recolouring - he had it covered.

○ Price - I don't know what the going rates are, though, I believe what I paid was a fair price for the work put in.


Thanks Haziel. Hope we may hire you in the future.


You're lucky. 


I ordered him 3 things in December 2015. We're 07/2016, I am still waiting for him to give me what I paid for. Because, dumb as I am, I trusted him and paid him 100% in advance for the whole order in december 2015. I had to poke him every 2 weeks since march to have news and he barely took the time to give me some news (for the few time he did). 


His work is nice and beautiful and his price are fair compared to the quality. But ordering with him is like flipping a coin, you have a chance that he complete the work days after your order (he did for 1/3 of my order), but you also have a chance to wait months (maybe more ? still waiting with no answer) before he take the time to respond. Currently he has done 2/3 of the work but i'm still waiting for the 1/3 part. 


My skype conversation with him since march is basically me sending a poke every 2 weeks and he responding every month something like "my internet was down" while he was online the whole time etc. Respect is gone since he doesn't even bother giving me an answer since may, 13th 2016. I even told him that I was ready to give up if he tells me that he's not going to finish my order anyway so I could move forward and look for another spriter to end the work, but it seems like it is too much to ask, still no answer. (I have proof for everything I am saying). 


If you go with him, don't pay 100% in advance and be ready to wait a long, long time (7+ months currently) without any answer from him. Maybe you'll be lucky and he'll end the work in 1 week like he did at the beginning, maybe you'll be unlucky like me.


All I can say is good luck if you want to hire him 


05. I did work as Spriter before, but It was a really bad time on my personal life, if I owe you anything, I'm really sorry, contact me so we can figure it out.


Seems like it's not the first time you disappoint one of your customers after all

In Topic: Asura strike not taking into account SP

01 July 2016 - 04:27 PM

That must be this reason because when I test it and i'm low SP, increasing my SP does increase asura's damage. But when i already have a big amount of SP, increasing SP doesn't increase asura's damage anymore. 


Is it fixable ?


Thanks a lot for your answer 

In Topic: How To Increase a Skill Damage

30 May 2016 - 11:28 AM

To change a skill you either have to modify it in skill_db.txt (db/re/skill_db.txt), but if you want to change his dmg, i think you need to modify skill.c (src/map/skill.c). But be careful with it and only apply change that you're sure won't fuck up your entire server. Also, you need to recompile everytime you change skill.c 

In Topic: Correct formula for hp/sp job_conf? for2 255/120 server

13 May 2016 - 06:49 PM

This is the job_conf i use for my 999/90 server. It should work until lvl 999/999




I use pre re formula (the one from rathena)

In Topic: Unstackable card effect

10 May 2016 - 07:02 PM

Thanks a lot for all your answer, i'll try critica's solution first since it's easier to use, and if it doesn't work Angelmelody's one :). Thanks a lot, i'll give some news about what worked once I try it !